On this page you can download EaglePlayer players that have been adapted by
Wanted Team. Most of these players also work with DeliTracker 2.32 and
some work with non-Amiga players like DeliPlayer or UADE.
Please choose:
EP_ADPCMmono.lha (13257 bytes) - ADPCM mono player (v1.1)
SRC_ADPCMmono.lzx (6186 bytes) - ADPCM mono player source code
EP_AlcatrazPac.lha (14636 bytes) - Alcatraz Packer player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_AlcatrazPacker.lzx (9109 bytes) - Alcatraz Packer player source code
EP_AMComposer.lha (7961 bytes) - Amiga Music Composer 1.2 player (v1.3 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_AMComposer.lzx (6950 bytes) - Amiga Music Composer 1.2 player & ripper source code
EP_Anders0land.lha (13155 bytes) - Anders Øland player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_Anders0land.lzx (6495 bytes) - Anders Øland player source code
EP_AndyParton.lha (13332 bytes) - Andrew Parton player (v1.1 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_AndrewParton.lzx (5684 bytes) - Andrew Parton player source code
EP_AshleyHogg.lha (13618 bytes) - Ashley Hogg player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_AshleyHogg.lzx (6907 bytes) - Ashley Hogg player source code
EP_BeathovenSS.lha (6388 bytes) - Beathoven Synthesizer player (v1.0)
EP_BennDaglish.lha (11019 bytes) - Benn Daglish player (v1.2)
SRC_BennDaglish.lzx (5121 bytes) - Benn Daglish & ripper player source code
EP_DaglishSID.lha (7395 bytes) - Benn Daglish SID player (v1.1)
SRC_BennDaglishSID.lzx (2742 bytes) - Benn Daglish SID player source code
EP_BladePacker.lha (16241 bytes) - Blade Packer player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_BladePacker.lzx (14376 bytes) - Blade Packer player & ripper source code
EP_ChipTracker.lha (13107 bytes) - ChipTracker player (v1.2 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_ChipTracker.lzx (7866 bytes) - ChipTracker player source code
EP_Cinemaware.lha (13341 bytes) - Cinemaware player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_Cinemaware.lzx (10442 bytes) - Cinemaware player source code
EP_CoreDesign.lha (7910 bytes) - Core Design player (v1.1)
SRC_CoreDesign.lzx (3649 bytes) - Core Design player source code
EP_CustomMade.lha (10523 bytes) - CustomMade player (v1.1 & v2.0)
SRC_CustomMade.lzx (8523 bytes) - CustomMade player source code
EP_DaveLowe.lha (8426 bytes) - Dave Lowe player (v1.2)
SRC_DaveLowe.lzx (5259 bytes) - Dave Lowe player & finder source code
EP_DaveLoweNew.lha (12963 bytes) - Dave Lowe New (binary) player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_DaveLoweNew.lzx (11189 bytes) - Dave Lowe New player & ripper source code
EP_DWhittaker.lha (6721 bytes) - David Whittaker player (v1.0)
EP_Desire.lha (6661 bytes) - Desire player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_Desire.lzx (4791 bytes) - Desire player source code
EP_DigitSonix.lha (7124 bytes) - Digital Sonix & Chrome player (v1.0)
SRC_DigitalSonix&Chrome.lzx (6382 bytes) - Digital Sonix & Chrome player source code
EP_DigitSound.lha (9746 bytes) - Digital Sound Creations player (v1.0)
SRC_DigitalSoundCreations.lzx (7469 bytes) - Digital Sound Creations player source code
EP_DSS.lha (11532 bytes) - Digital Sound Studio 1.0-3.0 player (v1.2 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_DSS.lzx (11983 bytes) - Digital Sound Studio player source code
EP_DBialluch.lha (13051 bytes) - Dirk Bialluch player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_DirkBialluch.lzx (7485 bytes) - Dirk Bialluch player source code
EP_DynamicSynt.lha (5596 bytes) - Dynamic Synthesizer 1.34 player (v1.1)
EP_EarAche.lha (10003 bytes) - EarAche 1.05 player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_EarAche.lzx (5408 bytes) - EarAche 1.05 player source code
EP_EMS.lha (11918 bytes) - Editeur Musical Sequentiel 1.24 player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_EMS.lzx (9895 bytes) - Editeur Musical Sequentiel 1.24 player & ripper source code
EP_Fashion.lha (9606 bytes) - Fashion Tracker player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_FashionTracker.lzx (6880 bytes) - Fashion Tracker player source code
EP_FredGray.lha (5261 bytes) - Fred Gray player (v1.0)
EP_FuturePlay.lha (12709 bytes) - Future Player replayer (v1.0 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_FuturePlayer.lzx (8284 bytes) - Future Player replayer source code
EP_GTGameSyst.lha (10824 bytes) - G&T Game Systems player (v1.0)
SRC_G&TGameSystems.lzx (4552 bytes) - G&T Game Systems player source code
EP_HowieDavies.lha (5989 bytes) - Howie Davies player (v1.0)
EP_ImagesMusic.lha (9452 bytes) - Images Music System player (v1.2 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_ImagesMusicSystem.lzx (8147 bytes) - Images Music System player source code
EP_JankoMrsic.lha (5495 bytes) - Janko Mrsic-Flogel player (v1.0)
SRC_JankoMrsic-Flogel.lzx (3034 bytes) - Janko Mrsic-Flogel player source code
EP_JSalmijarvi.lha (17922 bytes) - Janne Salmijarvi Optimizer player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_JanneSalmijarviOptimiz.lzx (10348 bytes) - Janne Salmijarvi Optimizer player source code
EP_JasonBrooke.lha (4588 bytes) - Jason Brooke player (v1.0)
EP_JasonPage.lha (17795 bytes) - Jason Page player (v1.3 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_JasonPage.lzx (22797 bytes) - Jason Page player source code
EP_JeroenTel.lha (14474 bytes) - Jeroen Tel player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_JeroenTel.lzx (6707 bytes) - Jeroen Tel player source code
EP_JesperOlsen.lha (11611 bytes) - Jesper Olsen player (v1.0)
SRC_JesperOlsen.lzx (6580 bytes) - Jesper Olsen player source code
EP_JoHippel.lha (10140 bytes) - Jochen Hippel player (v1.0)
SRC_JochenHippel.lzx (5223 bytes) - Jochen Hippel player source code
EP_JHippel7V.lha (21291 bytes) - Jochen Hippel 7V player (v1.3)
SRC_JochenHippel7V.lzx (14070 bytes) - Jochen Hippel 7V player source code
EP_HippelCOSO.lha (14162 bytes) - Jochen Hippel COSO player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_JochenHippelCOSO.lzx (8879 bytes) - Jochen Hippel COSO player source code
EP_JHippelST.lha (14679 bytes) - Jochen Hippel ST player (v1.3)
SRC_JochenHippelST.lzx (12446 bytes) - Jochen Hippel ST player source code
EP_KimChris.lha (13583 bytes) - Kim Christensen player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_KimChristensen.lzx (5995 bytes) - Kim Christensen player source code
EP_KHatlelid.lha (6191 bytes) - Kris Hatlelid player (v1.0)
SRC_KrisHatlelid.lzx (5023 bytes) - Kris Hatlelid player source code
EP_LME.lha (14002 bytes) - Leggless Music Editor player (v1.2 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_LegglessMusicEditor.lzx (7781 bytes) - Leggless Music Editor player and ripper source code
EP_MFP.lha (16678 bytes) - Magnetic Fields Packer player (v1.3 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_MagneticFieldsPacker.lzx (10737 bytes) - Magnetic Fields Packer player source code
EP_MarkCooksey.lha (15457 bytes) - Mark Cooksey player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_MarkCooksey.lzx (10732 bytes) - Mark Cooksey player & ripper source code
EP_MWalker.lha (8271 bytes) - Martin Walker player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_MartinWalker.lzx (7445 bytes) - Martin Walker player & ripper source code
EP_MaxEffect.lha (13488 bytes) - Maximum Effect player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_MaximumEffect.lzx (7689 bytes) - Maximum Effect player source code
EP_MaxTrax.lha (24574 bytes) - MaxTrax player (v1.1)
SRC_MaxTrax.lzx (42337 bytes) - MaxTrax player source code
EP_MMDC.lha (10114 bytes) - MED Packer player (v1.2 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_MMDC.lzx (9027 bytes) - MED Packer player & ripper source code
EP_MIDLoriciel.lha (13015 bytes) - MIDI - Loriciel player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_MIDILoriciel.lzx (7715 bytes) - MIDI - Loriciel player source code
EP_MikeDavies.lha (4767 bytes) - Mike Davies (Tiertex) player (v1.0)
EP_MoshPacker.lha (14060 bytes) - Mosh Packer player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_MoshPacker.lzx (7353 bytes) - Mosh Packer player source code
EP_Mugician.lha (15042 bytes) - Mugician player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_Mugician.lzx (12649 bytes) - Mugician player & ripper source code
EP_Mugician2.lha (25475 bytes) - Mugician II player (v1.7)
SRC_Mugician2.lzx (38602 bytes) - Mugician II player & ripper source code
EP_MMSound.lha (14081 bytes) - MultiMedia Sound player (v1.0 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_MultiMediaSound.lzx (8216 bytes) - MultiMedia Sound player source code
EP_Music-X.lha (13710 bytes) - Music-X Driver player (v1.0)
SRC_Music-XDriver.lzx (21494 bytes) - Music-X Driver player source code
EP_Musicline4V.lha (46744 bytes) - Musicline 4V player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_Musicline4V.lzx (85077 bytes) - Musicline 4V player source code
EP_Musicline8V.lha (33602 bytes) - Musicline 8V player (v1.0)
SRC_Musicline8V.lzx (50574 bytes) - Musicline 8V player source code
EP_NickPelling.lha (18386 bytes) - Nick Pelling Packer player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_NickPellingPacker.lzx (13443 bytes) - Nick Pelling Packer player source code
EP_NoiseTrack.lha (28560 bytes) - NoiseTracker player (v1.3 & v2.2 AMP)
SRC_NoiseTracker.lzx (14203 bytes) - NoiseTracker player & HMN ripper source code
EP_NovoTrade.lha (8894 bytes) - NovoTrade Packer player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_NovoTradePacker.lzx (6961 bytes) - NovoTrade Packer player source code
EP_NTSP-system.lha (11041 bytes) - NTSP-system player (v1.1)
SRC_NTSP-system.lzx (3041 bytes) - NTSP-system player & ripper source code
EP_onEscapee.lha (10479 bytes) - onEscapee player (v1.1)
SRC_onEscapee.lzx (2187 bytes) - onEscapee player source code
EP_PRobotham.lha (12740 bytes) - Paul Robotham player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_PaulRobotham.lzx (7991 bytes) - Paul Robotham player source code
EP_PaulShields.lha (10626 bytes) - Paul Shields player (v1.2 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_PaulShields.lzx (10145 bytes) - Paul Shields player source code
EP_PaulSummers.lha (8500 bytes) - Paul Summers player (v1.2 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_PaulSummers.lzx (7206 bytes) - Paul Summers player source code
EP_PaulTonge.lha (11125 bytes) - Paul Tonge player (v1.0)
SRC_PaulTonge.lzx (3648 bytes) - Paul Tonge player source code
EP_PVP.lha (8439 bytes) - Peter Verswyvelen Packer player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_PeterVerswyvelenPacker.lzx (6662 bytes) - Peter Verswyvelen Packer player source code
EP_PAP.lha (8637 bytes) - Pierre Adane Packer player (v1.1 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_PierreAdanePacker.lzx (6153 bytes) - Pierre Adane Packer player source code
EP_PSA.lha (9478 bytes) - Professional Sound Artists player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_ProSoundArtists.lzx (9447 bytes) - Professional Sound Artists player and ripper source code
EP_Protracker.lha (17977 bytes) - Protracker player (v1.4 & v2.2 AMP)
SRC_Protracker.lzx (16210 bytes) - Protracker player source code
EP_PumaTracker.lha (14060 bytes) - PumaTracker player (v1.1 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_PumaTracker.lzx (9489 bytes) - PumaTracker player & ripper source code
EP_Quartet.lha (13272 bytes) - Quartet player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_Quartet.lzx (10545 bytes) - Quartet player source code
EP_QuartetPSG.lha (12852 bytes) - Quartet PSG player (v1.2)
SRC_QuartetPSG.lzx (8209 bytes) - Quartet PSG player source code
EP_QuartetST.lha (13035 bytes) - Quartet ST player (v1.2 & NP)
SRC_QuartetST.lzx (5858 bytes) - Quartet ST player source code
EP_RJoseph.lha (12059 bytes) - Richard Joseph player (v1.1)
SRC_RichardJoseph.lzx (4326 bytes) - Richard Joseph player source code
EP_RJosephPlay.lha (11457 bytes) - Richard Joseph Player 1.7A (v1.1 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_RichardJosephPlay.lzx (10146 bytes) - Richard Joseph Player 1.7A player & ripper source code
EP_RiffRaff.lha (5680 bytes) - Riff Raff player (v1.0)
EP_RobHubbard.lha (8505 bytes) - Rob Hubbard player (v1.4 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_RobHubbard.lzx (6302 bytes) - Rob Hubbard player & ripper source code
EP_RobHubbardO.lha (5276 bytes) - Rob Hubbard ST player (v1.1)
SRC_RobHubbardST.lzx (4270 bytes) - Rob Hubbard ST player & ripper source code
EP_SConnolly.lha (4601 bytes) - Sean Connolly (EMS 3.01/3.18/5.xx) player (v1.1)
EP_SeanConran.lha (7439 bytes) - Sean Conran player (v1.2)
SRC_SeanConran.lzx (5103 bytes) - Sean Conran player source code
EP_Silmarils.lha (8530 bytes) - Silmarils player (v1.0)
EP_SierraAGI.lha (12854 bytes) - Sierra AGI player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_SierraAGI.lzx (11012 bytes) - Sierra AGI player & ripper source code
EP_SonicArran.lha (14048 bytes) - Sonic Arranger 2.18 player (v1.0)
SRC_SonicArranger.lzx (12420 bytes) - SonicArranger 2.18 player source code
EP_Sonix.lha (24315 bytes) - Sonix Music Driver player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_SonixMusicDriver.lzx (60863 bytes) - Sonix Music Driver player source code
EP_SoundImages.lha (5173 bytes) - Sound Images (I & II) player (v1.1)
EP_SoundMaster.lha (5631 bytes) - Sound Master player (v1.0)
SRC_SoundMaster.lzx (4120 bytes) - Sound Master player source code
EP_SOPROL.lha (5629 bytes) - Sound Programming Language player (v1.0)
EP_Soundcontr.lha (15505 bytes) - Soundcontrol 3.0/3.2/4.0/5.0 player (v1.2 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_Soundcontrol.lzx (14316 bytes) - Soundcontrol player & ripper source code
EP_Soundfactor.lha (10637 bytes) - Soundfactory 1.0 player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_Soundfactory.lzx (8699 bytes) - Soundfactory 1.0 player source code
EP_SoundFX.lha (11255 bytes) - SoundFX 1.0-1.8 player (v1.1 & v2.1 AMP)
SRC_SoundFX.lzx (8015 bytes) - SoundFX 1.0-1.8 player source code
EP_SoundPlayer.lha (9285 bytes) - SoundPlayer (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_SoundPlayer.lzx (8113 bytes) - SoundPlayer player source code
EP_SpecialFX.lha (12984 bytes) - Special FX player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_SpecialFX.lzx (6193 bytes) - Special FX player source code
EP_SpecialFXST.lha (14445 bytes) - Special FX ST player (v1.3)
SRC_SpecialFXST.lzx (12103 bytes) - Special FX ST player source code
EP_SpeedyA1Sys.lha (5821 bytes) - Speedy A1 System player (v1.0)
EP_SpeedSystem.lha (7908 bytes) - Speedy System 2.0-3.0/A player (v1.0)
EP_StevBarrett.lha (8268 bytes) - Steve Barrett player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_SteveBarrett.lzx (5999 bytes) - Steve Barrett player & ripper source code
EP_SteveTurner.lha (9267 bytes) - Steve Turner player (v1.3 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_SteveTurner.lzx (9127 bytes) - Steve Turner player source code
EP_SynthDream.lha (17125 bytes) - Synth Dream player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_SynthDream.lzx (10683 bytes) - Synth Dream player source code
EP_SynthPack.lha (8129 bytes) - Synth Pack player (v1.1)
EP_TCBTracker.lha (14962 bytes) - TCB Tracker player (v1.2 & v2.1 AMP & NP)
SRC_TCBTracker.lzx (10336 bytes) - TCB Tracker player source code
EP_TFMX.lha (11074 bytes) - TFMX (v1.3)
SRC_TFMX.lzx (12258 bytes) - TFMX player & ripper source code
EP_TFMX7V.lha (19174 bytes) - TFMX 7V player (v1.3)
SRC_TFMX7V.lzx (25019 bytes) - TFMX 7V player source code
EP_TFMXPro.lha (26502 bytes) - TFMX Pro player (v1.4)
SRC_TFMXPro.lzx (23920 bytes) - TFMX Pro player source code
EP_TFMXST.lha (14013 bytes) - TFMX ST (v1.0)
SRC_TFMXST.lzx (16097 bytes) - TFMX ST player
EP_THermann.lha (7507 bytes) - Thomas Hermann player (v1.1)
SRC_ThomasHermann.lzx (8438 bytes) - Thomas Hermann player source code
EP_TME.lha (10372 bytes) - The Musical Enlightenment player (v1.2 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_TME.lzx (13325 bytes) - The Musical Enlightenment player & ripper source code
EP_TimeTracker.lha (17569 bytes) - TimeTracker player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_TimeTracker.lzx (10719 bytes) - TimeTracker player source code
EP_TitanPacker.lha (13552 bytes) - Titanics Packer player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_TitanicsPacker.lzx (5965 bytes) - Titanics Packer player source code
EP_TomyTracker.lha (8932 bytes) - Tomy Tracker player (v1.1 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_TomyTracker.lzx (7411 bytes) - Tomy Tracker player source code
EP_UFO.lha (14437 bytes) - UFO player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_UFO.lzx (10369 bytes) - UFO player source code
EP_WallyBeben.lha (7578 bytes) - Wally Beben (Ariston) player (v1.0)
SRC_WallyBeben.lzx (4969 bytes) - Wally Beben player source code
EP_ZoundMonit.lha (13576 bytes) - ZoundMonitor player (v1.0 & v2.0 AMP)
SRC_ZoundMonitor.lzx (6267 bytes) - ZoundMonitor player source code
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