From this page you can download example modules that can be played with
Wanted Team players.
Please choose:
Player name:
ADPCM mono
ADPCM_Vauxhall.lzx (1443622 bytes) - music from the demo "Vauxhall" by Unique.
Alcatraz Packer
ALP_Cedric.lzx (421910 bytes) - all modules from the game "Cedric and the Lost Sceptre".
ALP_Cedricdemo.lzx (176394 bytes) - all modules from the demo of "Cedric" game, composed by Rainer Nilsen.
ALP_Oldtimer.lzx (78776 bytes) - module from the game "Oldtimer".
A.M.Composer 1.2
AMC_Krymini.lzx (154418 bytes) - all modules from the game "Krymini".
AMC_MagicJumper.lzx (244066 bytes) - all modules from the game "Magic Jumper".
Anders 0land
HOT_PrimeMover.lzx (206880 bytes) - all modules from the game "Prime Mover".
Andrew Parton
BYE_B17FlyingFortress.lzx (303016 bytes) - all modules from the game "B-17 Flying Fortress".
Ashley Hogg
ASH_CJInTheUSA.lzx (114501 bytes) - module from the game "CJ In The USA".
ASH_CosmicSpacehead.lzx (31246 bytes) - module from the game "Cosmic Spacehead".
ASH_FantasticDizzy.lzx (104942 bytes) - module from the game "Fantastic Dizzy".
ASH_NobbyTheAardvark.lzx (33346 bytes) - module from the game "Nobby The Aardvark".
ASH_SpikeyInTransylvania.lzx (84375 bytes) - module from the game "Spike(y) In Transylvania".
Beathoven Synthesizer
BSS_BlackMonks_trainer.lzx (15555 bytes) - module from a "Black Monks" trainer (ripped from first version of "Katakis").
BSS_CosmicBouncer.lzx (170650 bytes) - module from the game "Cosmic Bouncer".
BSS_DancingMan.lzx (69351 bytes) - module called "Dancing Man".
BSS_Denaris.lzx (176916 bytes) - module from the game "Denaris" (US version of "Katakis"), composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_DerPreisIstHeiss.lzx (35539 bytes) - module from the game "Der Preis Ist Heiss", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_Detonator.lzx (15534 bytes) - all modules from the game "Detonator", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_FinalMission.lzx (12429 bytes) - module from the game "Final Mission", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_FunnyFunk.lzx (60585 bytes) - module from the "Funny Funk" intro.
BSS_Ganymed.lzx (15932 bytes) - module from the game "Ganymed", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_Gluecksrad.lzx (42859 bytes) - module from the game "Gluecksrad", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_GreatGianaSisters.lzx (89275 bytes) - all modules from the game "The Great Giana Sisters", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_HQCintro.lzx (20798 bytes) - module from "HQC intro".
BSS_In80DaysAroundTheWorld.lzx (42335 bytes) - module from the game "In Eighty Days Around The World", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_Journey.lzx (20818 bytes) - module from the "Journey" intro.
BSS_KatakisBooter.lzx (15645 bytes) - module from the game "Katakis" (first version), composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_Katakis.lzx (184356 bytes) - module from the game "Katakis" (second version), composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_LetsDance.lzx (63740 bytes) - module called "Lets Dance".
BSS_Phalanx2.lzx (33363 bytes) - module from the game "Phalanx II", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_RainbowArtsSlideshow.lzx (42343 bytes) - module from "Rainbow Arts Slideshow", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_RingSide.lzx (40677 bytes) - module from the game "Ring-Side", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_Riskant!.lzx (24381 bytes) - module from the game "Riskant!", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
EXE_Riskant!.lzx (25581 bytes) - source of module "Riskant!".
BSS_RockChallenge.lzx (53824 bytes) - module from the game "Rock Challenge".
BSS_SmashIntro.lzx (15898 bytes) - module from "Smash Intro" (ripped from "Ganymed").
BSS_Stars.lzx (88294 bytes) - module from the "Stars" intro.
BSS_StreetGang.lzx (34571 bytes) - module from the game "Street Gang", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_TheChamps.lzx (32629 bytes) - module from a "The Champs" cracktro (bad ripped "Phalanx II" song).
EXE_TheChampsCracktro.lzx (48959 bytes) - source of module "TheChamps Cracktro".
BSS_ThirdIntro.lzx (53028 bytes) - module from "Third Intro".
BSS_Tristar.lzx (27133 bytes) - module from a "Tristar" cracktro.
EXE_TristarCracktro.lzx (40291 bytes) - source of module "Tristar Cracktro".
BSS_VirusKiller13Pro.lzx (32167 bytes) - module from "VirusKiller V1.3 Professional".
BSS_VirusKiller2Pro.lzx (27527 bytes) - module from "VirusKiller V2.0 Professional".
BSS_Wetten,Dass.lzx (24388 bytes) - module from the game "Wetten, Dass..?", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_Zoom!.lzx (27604 bytes) - module from the game "Zoom!", composed by Thomas Lopatic.
BSS_Zoom!US.lzx (27211 bytes) - module from the game "Zoom!" (US version), composed by Julian Lefay.
Benn Daglish
BD_3DGalax.lzx (227111 bytes) - module from the game "3D Galax".
BD_Artura.lzx (36656 bytes) - module from the game "Artura".
BD_AxelsMagicHammer.lzx (30347 bytes) - module from the game "Axel's Magic Hammer".
BD_Blasteroids.lzx (36664 bytes) - all modules from the game "Blasteroids".
BD_ButcherHill.lzx (118554 bytes) - all modules from the game "Butcher Hill".
BD_ContinentalCircus.lzx (43619 bytes) - module from the game "Continental Circus".
BD_Corporation.lzx (201611 bytes) - module from the game "Corporation".
BD_DarkFusion.lzx (99494 bytes) - module from the game "Dark Fusion".
BD_Deflektor.lzx (50733 bytes) - module from the game "Deflektor".
BD_FOFT.lzx (129228 bytes) - all modules from the game "Federation Of Free Traders".
BD_FootballerOfTheYear2.lzx (198528 bytes) - all modules from the game "Footballer Of The Year II".
BD_GaryLinekersHotShot.lzx (83404 bytes) - module from the game "Gary Lineker's Hot Shot".
BD_GregNormansUltimateGolf.lzx (95976 bytes) - module from the game "Greg Norman's Ultimate Golf".
BD_Hate.lzx (152340 bytes) - module from the game "Hate".
BD_HeroesOfTheLance.lzx (28082 bytes) - module from the game "Heroes Of The Lance".
BD_HotRod.lzx (35864 bytes) - module from the game "Hot Rod".
BD_JohnLowesUltimateDarts.lzx (49915 bytes) - module from the game "John Lowe's Ultimate Darts".
BD_MickeyMouse.lzx (5973 bytes) - module from the game "Mickey Mouse".
BD_Motorhead.lzx (225670 bytes) - all modules from the game "Motorhead".
BD_PassingShot.lzx (19811 bytes) - module from the game "Passing Shot".
BD_Prison.lzx (72940 bytes) - module from the game "Prison".
BD_RickDangerous2.lzx (121473 bytes) - module from the game "Rick Dangerous II".
BD_Skidz.lzx (58731 bytes) - module(s) from the game "Skidz".
BD_SuperCars.lzx (106457 bytes) - module from the game "SuperCars".
BD_SuperScrambleSimulator.lzx (79248 bytes) - all modules from the game "Super Scramble Simulator".
BD_SwitchBlade.lzx (25597 bytes) - module from the game "SwitchBlade".
Benn Daglish SID
BDS_ChubbyGristle.lzx (13164 bytes) - module from the game "Chubby Gristle".
BDS_Flintstones.lzx (13430 bytes) - module from the game "Flintstones".
EXE_Flintstones.lzx (20984 bytes) - source of module "Flintstones".
BDS_Terramex.lzx (5153 bytes) - module from the game "Terramex".
Blade Packer
UDS_AbsolutePinballPC.lzx (1092020 bytes) - all modules from the game "Absolute Pinball" (PC game).
UDS_Battletris+ST.lzx (143370 bytes) - all modules from the game "Battletris +" (Atari ST game).
UDS_CoreflakesSTE.lzx (137758 bytes) - module from the demo "Coreflakes" (Atari STE demo).
UDS_Obsession.lzx (637712 bytes) - all modules from the game "Obsession".
UDS_ObsessionSTE.lzx (648860 bytes) - all modules from the game "Obsession" (Atari STE version).
UDS_SubStationSTE.lzx (420970 bytes) - all modules from the game "SubStation" (Atari STE game).
UDS_TomtarSTE.lzx (105888 bytes) - module from the game "Tomtar"(Atari STE game).
KRIS_ChuckRock.lzx (33880 bytes) - all modules from the game "Chuck Rock".
KRIS_Dentro.lzx (37516 bytes) - module from "Dentro" by Anarchy.
KRIS_DizzyBubble.lzx (26623 bytes) - module from the game "Dizzy - Bubble".
KRIS_DizzyMagicland.lzx (82046 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dizzy - Magicland".
KRIS_DizzyPrinceOfYolkfolk.lzx (16569 bytes) - module from the game "Dizzy - Prince Of The Yolkfolk".
KRIS_DojoDan.lzx (267861 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dojo Dan".
KRIS_IndyHeat.lzx (163065 bytes) - all modules from the game "Indy Heat".
KRIS_LastBattle.lzx (20679 bytes) - module from the game "Last Battle".
KRIS_Leander.lzx (160761 bytes) - module from the game "Leander".
KRIS_LittleMusicDemo.lzx (436766 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Little Music Demo" by Inner Circle.
KRIS_Premiere.lzx (347052 bytes) - all modules from the game "Premiere".
KRIS_SkyHighStuntman.lzx (101751 bytes) - all modules from the game "Sky High Stuntman".
KRIS_SlightlyMagic.lzx (68633 bytes) - module from the game "Slightly Magic".
KRIS_Troddlers.lzx (107350 bytes) - all modules from the game "Troddlers".
KRIS_Violator.lzx (30445 bytes) - module from the game "Violator".
KRIS_WarZone.lzx (31289 bytes) - module from the game "WarZone".
KRIS_Wolfchild.lzx (176563 bytes) - all modules from the game "Wolfchild".
CIN_Wings.lzx (130886 bytes) - all modules from the game "Wings".
Core Design
CORE_ActionFighter.lzx (55757 bytes) - module from the game "Action Fighter".
CORE_AxelsMagicHammer.lzx (36950 bytes) - module from the game "Axel's Magic Hammer".
CORE_DynamiteDux.lzx (119939 bytes) - module from the game "Dynamite Dux".
CORE_MontyPythons.lzx (103548 bytes) - module from the game "Monty Python's Flying Circus".
EXE_MontyPythons.lzx (129401 bytes) - source of module "Monty Python's Flying Circus".
CORE_RickDangerous.lzx (129199 bytes) - module from the game "Rick Dangerous".
CORE_Saint&Greavsie.lzx (54750 bytes) - module from the game "Saint & Greavsie".
CM_BattleSquadron.lzx (56596 bytes) - all modules from the game "Battle Squadron", composed by Ron Klaren.
CM_BattleSquadronDemo.lzx (23536 bytes) - module from the demo of "Battle Squadron" game, composed by Ron Klaren.
CM_Critical.lzx (74575 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Critical Music Disk #1", composed by Ron Klaren.
CM_Cyberblast.lzx (8774 bytes) - all modules from the game "Cyberblast", composed by Ron Klaren.
CM_Plague.lzx (8959 bytes) - all modules from the game "Plague", composed by Ron Klaren.
CM_Promotion.lzx (58581 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Promotion", composed by Ron Klaren.
Dave Lowe
DL_AfterBurner.lzx (66055 bytes) - module from the game "After Burner II".
DL_AlteredBeast.lzx (86264 bytes) - module from the game "Altered Beast".
DL_BangkokKnights.lzx (55874 bytes) - module from the game "Bangkok Knigths".
EXE_BangkokKnights.lzx (78145 bytes) - source of the module "Bangkok Knights".
DL_BeneathASteelSky.lzx (271386 bytes) - all modules from the game "Beneath A Steel Sky".
DL_Betrayal.lzx (67697 bytes) - all modules from the game "Betrayal".
DL_BlackHornet.lzx (27309 bytes) - module from the game "Black Hornet".
DL_CaliforniaGames2.lzx (55834 bytes) - module from the game "California Games II".
DL_Darius+.lzx (43681 bytes) - module from the game "Darius +".
DL_Duckula2.lzx (45752 bytes) - module from the game "Duckula II".
DL_E-Swat.lzx (72998 bytes) - module from the game "E-Swat".
DL_F-15StrikeEagle2.lzx (85728 bytes) - module from the game "F-15 Strike Eagle II".
DL_FormulaOneGP.lzx (69353 bytes) - module from the game "Formula One Grand Prix".
DL_Frontier.lzx (111220 bytes) - module from the game "Frontier".
DL_GalaxyForce2.lzx (73424 bytes) - module from the game "Galaxy Force II".
DL_Garfield.lzx (37788 bytes) - module from the game "Garfield".
DL_Ghostbusters2.lzx (368121 bytes) - all modules from the game "Ghostbusters II".
DL_IK+.lzx (35330 bytes) - module from the game "International Karate +".
DL_ISS.lzx (102883 bytes) - module from the game "Incredible Shrinking Sphere".
DL_LineOfFire.lzx (45602 bytes) - module from the game "Line Of Fire".
DL_Midwinter2.lzx (54992 bytes) - module from the game "Midwinter II".
DL_NightShift.lzx (26882 bytes) - module from the game "Night Shift".
DL_PowerDrift.lzx (58940 bytes) - module from the game "Power Drift".
DL_Raffles.lzx (69751 bytes) - module from the game "Raffles".
DL_RailRoadTycoon.lzx (61754 bytes) - module from the game "RailRoad Tycoon".
EXE_RailRoadTycoon.lzx (89473 bytes) - source of the module "RailRoad Tycoon".
DL_SoldierOfLight.lzx (32606 bytes) - module from the game "Soldier Of Light".
DL_StreetFighter2.lzx (98724 bytes) - module from the game "Street Fighter II".
DL_SummerCamp.lzx (81880 bytes) - module from the game "Summer Camp".
DL_SummerEdition.lzx (480159 bytes) - all modules from the game "The Games: Summer Edition".
DL_SummerGames.lzx (54265 bytes) - module from the game "Summer Games".
DL_TimeScanner.lzx (33885 bytes) - module from the game "Time Scanner".
DL_TurboOutrun.lzx (45143 bytes) - module from the game "Turbo Outrun".
Dave Lowe New
DLN_BeneathASteelSky.lzx (2241239 bytes) - all modules from the game "Beneath A Steel Sky".
DLN_KingsQuest6.lzx (274457 bytes) - all modules from the game "King's Quest VI".
DLN_SuperStreetFighter2.lzx (169616 bytes) - all modules from the game "Super Street Fighter II: TNC".
David Whittaker
DW_Obliterator.lzx (33243 bytes) - all modules from the game "Obliterator".
DW_QBall.lzx (29557 bytes) - module from the game "Q-Ball".
DW_SportingTriangle.lzx (71317 bytes) - module from the game "Sporting Triangle".
DSR_BatmanReturns.lzx (71596 bytes) - module from the game "Batman Returns".
DSR_PowerDrive.lzx (59086 bytes) - all modules from the game "Power Drive".
Digital Sonix & Chrome
DSC_DragonsBreath.lzx (267876 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dragon's Breath".
DSC_DragonsBreathdemo.lzx (108280 bytes) - all modules from the demo of "Dragon's Breath" game.
Digital Sound Creations
HAN_Druid2.lzx (108209 bytes) - all modules from the game "Druid II - Enlightment".
HAN_Fusion.lzx (23049 bytes) - module from the game "Fusion".
HAN_Populous.lzx (104292 bytes) - all modules from the games "Populous".
Digital Sound Studio
DSS_Floor13.lzx (93268 bytes) - module from the game "Floor 13".
DSS_Opium.lha (133197 bytes) - DSS 3.0 module called "More Opium".
Dirk Bialluch
TPU_TimeLock.lzx (521109 bytes) - all modules from the game "Time Lock".
Dynamic Synthesizer
DNS_HollywoodPoker.lzx (124676 bytes) - all modules from the game "Hollywood Poker Pro".
DNS_PTC.lzx (58590 bytes) - module from the game "PTC".
DNS_Starball.lzx (117412 bytes) - all modules from the game "Starball".
EA_BladeRunner.lzx (14839 bytes) - module called "Blade Runner".
EA_Editor.lzx (27824 bytes) - all modules from EarAche v0.9 and v1.05 editors
Editeur Musical Sequentiel
EMS_Imperial.lzx (69669 bytes) - module from the game "Imperial".
EMS_Megademo.lzx (913929 bytes) - all modules from the Ringard' "Megademo".
EMS_OCB.lzx (206666 bytes) - all modules from the game "OCB".
Fashion Tracker
EX_Astronuts22.lzx (323850 bytes) - all modules from "Astronuts game & music disk #22".
EX_Combine.lzx (61480 bytes) - all modules from the game "Combine".
EX_Fashionating.lzx (127874 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Fashionating".
EX_MiniGolfPlus.lzx (44578 bytes) - module from the game "MiniGolf Plus".
Fred Gray
GRAY_BlackLamp.lzx (2633 bytes) - module from the game "Black Lamp".
EXE_BlackLamp.lzx (4456 bytes) - source of module "Black Lamp".
GRAY_Eco.lzx (3105 bytes) - module from the game "Eco".
EXE_Eco.lzx (4700 bytes) - source of module "Eco".
GRAY_StarGoose.lzx (3769 bytes) - module from the game "Star Goose".
GRAY_VictoryRoad.lzx (3737 bytes) - module from the game "Victory Road".
Future Player
FP_Defjam.lzx (10854 bytes) - module from a "Defjam" intro.
FP_Drums.lzx (16057 bytes) - module called "Drums".
FP_Hybris.lzx (16177 bytes) - all modules from the game "Hybris".
FP_Imploder.lzx (11502 bytes) - module from the cruncher "Imploder" (1.0/3.0).
EXE_Imploder.lzx (17265 bytes) - source of module "Imploder".
FP_ThirdWaveCopierV10.lzx (8395 bytes) - module from "The Third Wave Copier V1.0".
FP_ThirdWaveCopierV12.lzx (10625 bytes) - module from "The Third Wave Copier V1.2".
FP_Tune.lzx (11224 bytes) - module called "Tune".
G&T Game Systems
DUX_Carver.lzx (166327 bytes) - all modules from the game "Carver".
Howie Davies
HD_BlazingThunder.lzx (66220 bytes) - module from the game "Blazing Thunder".
HD_BlazingThunderST.lzx (65820 bytes) - module from the game "Blazing Thunder" (Atari ST version).
HD_FutureBikeSimulator.lzx (56389 bytes) - module from the game "Future Bike Simulator".
EXE_FutureBikeSimulator.lzx (82074 bytes) - source of module "Future Bike Simulator".
HD_FutureBikeSimulatorST.lzx (33249 bytes) - module from the game "Future Bike Simulator" (Atari ST version).
HD_YogisGreatEscape.lzx (67571 bytes) - module from the game "Yogi's Great Escape".
HD_YogisGreatEscapeST.lzx (49087 bytes) - module from the game "Yogi's Great Escape" (Atari ST version).
Images Music System
IMS_BeastBusters.lzx (12563 bytes) - module from the game "Beast Busters".
IMS_ChipsChallengepreview.lzx (36195 bytes) - module from the preview of "Chips Challenge" game.
IMS_HuntForRedOctober.lzx (144221 bytes) - all modules from the game "Hunt For Red October".
IMS_ShadowDancer.lzx (45524 bytes) - all modules from the game "Shadow Dancer".
Janko Mrsic-Flogel
JMF_BombJack.lzx (2253 bytes) - module from the game "Bomb Jack".
EXE_BombJack.lzx (3837 bytes) - source of the module "Bomb Jack".
JMF_FireBlaster.lzx (1822 bytes) - module from the game "Fire Blaster".
JMF_Luxor.lzx (2224 bytes) - module from the game "Luxor".
JMF_Protector.lzx (1912 bytes) - module from the game "Protector".
JMF_SpaceStation.lzx (2061 bytes) - module from the game "Space Station".
JMF_WarZone.lzx (1902 bytes) - module from the game "War Zone".
Janne Salmijarvi Optimizer
JS_ATasteOfU4ia.lzx (601959 bytes) - all modules from "A Taste Of U4ia" musicdisk by Megawatts.
Jason Brooke
JCB_Feud.lzx (1398 bytes) - module from the game "Feud".
JCB_Pacland.lzx (3075 bytes) - module from the game "Pacland".
JCB_Vixen.lzx (36915 bytes) - module from the game "Vixen".
Jason Page
JPN_Realms.lzx (95370 bytes) - all modules from the game "Realms".
JPN_Uridium2.lzx (330162 bytes) - all modules from the game "Uridium II".
Jeroen Tel
JT_InsectsInSpace.lzx (42786 bytes) - module from the game "Insects In Space".
JT_Onslaught.lzx (56481 bytes) - module from the game "Onslaught".
JT_Stormlord.lzx (93655 bytes) - module from the game "Stormlord".
JT_Stormlordbeta.lzx (209757 bytes) - all modules from the beta version of "Stormlord" game.
JT_Tusker.lzx (252353 bytes) - all modules for the game "Tusker".
JT_Unreal.lzx (228355 bytes) - all modules from the game "Unreal".
Jesper Olsen
JO_GeorgGlaxo.lzx (155437 bytes) - all modules from the game "Georg Glaxo".
JO_GuldkornExpressen.lzx (41306 bytes) - all modules from the game "Guldkorn Expressen" aka "Kalas Puffs Expressen".
JO_HaraldHardtand.lzx (124397 bytes) - all modules from the game "Harald Hårdtand".
JO_LollyPop.lzx (842420 bytes) - all modules from the game "LollyPop".
JO_VibrantsMusicCol1.lzx (604231 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Vibrants Music Collection 1".
Jochen Hippel
MCMD_EndlessPiracy.lzx (54588 bytes) - modules from "Endless Piracy" intros.
SOG_100Bobs.lzx (133134 bytes) - module from the demo "100 Bobs" by Hurricane.
SOG_5thGear.lzx (24110 bytes) - module from the game "5th Gear".
SOG_Astaroth.lzx (17136 bytes) - all modules from the game "Astaroth".
SOG_BattleValley.lzx (29373 bytes) - module from the game "Battle Valley".
SOG_ChambersOfShaolin.lzx (86416 bytes) - all modules from the game "Chambers Of Shaolin".
SOG_DragonFlight.lzx (161478 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dragon Flight".
SOG_GrandMonsterSlamST.lzx (57273 bytes) - module from the game "Grand Monster Slam" (Atari ST version).
SOG_JochenHippelMusicDemo.lzx (183057 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Jochen Hippel Music Demo" by Genesis.
SOG_LeavinTeramis.lzx (195172 bytes) - all modules from the game "Leavin' Teramis".
SOG_LifesABitch.lzx (91021 bytes) - module from the demo "Life's A Bitch" (Atari ST demo), the famous Michael Bittner mix.
SOG_RingsOfMedusa.lzx (47612 bytes) - module from the game "Rings Of Medusa".
SOG_SevenGatesOfJambala.lzx (231059 bytes) - all modules from the game "Seven Gates Of Jambala".
SOG_Thalion.lzx (8824 bytes) - module from "Thalion" intro.
SOG_ThalionSoundDemo.lzx (61440 bytes) - all modules from "Thalion Sound Demo".
SOG_TowerFra.lzx (42639 bytes) - module from the game "Tower Fra".
SOG_TriviaTheUltimateQuest.lzx (72817 bytes) - module from the game "Trivia The Ultimate Quest".
SOG_Warp.lzx (148290 bytes) - all modules from the game "Warp".
SOG_WingsOfDeath.lzx (245531 bytes) - all modules from the game "Wings Of Death".
SOG_WingsOfDeathST.lzx (218914 bytes) - all modules from the game "Wings Of Death" (Atari ST version).
Jochen Hippel 7V
S7G_Amberstar.lzx (171582 bytes) - all modules from the game "Amberstar".
S7G_AustralianPioneers.lzx (101852 bytes) - module for the game "Australian Pioneers".
S7G_GhostBattle.lzx (30380 bytes) - module for the game "Ghost Battle".
S7G_LethalXcess.lzx (96250 bytes) - all modules from the game "Lethal Xcess".
Jochen Hippel COSO
SOC_Amberstar.lzx (61676 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "Amberstar".
SOC_AmberstarST.lzx (92344 bytes) - all modules from the game "Amberstar" (Atari ST version).
SOC_APrehistoricTale.lzx (222987 bytes) - all modules from the game "A Prehistoric Tale".
SOC_AustralianPioneers.lzx (59337 bytes) - all modules for the game "Australian Pioneers".
SOC_DragonFlight.lzx (154344 bytes) - all modules for the game "Dragon Flight".
SOC_EnchantedLand.lzx (49530 bytes) - all modules from the game "Enchanted Land".
SOC_GhostBattle.lzx (108189 bytes) - all modules from the game "Ghost Battle".
SOC_LastNinjaRemix.lzx (163440 bytes) - all modules from the game "Last Ninja Remix".
SOC_LethalXcess.lzx (98444 bytes) - all modules from the game "Lethal Xcess".
SOC_LethalXcessST.lzx (67128 bytes) - all modules from the game "Lethal Xcess" (Atari ST version).
SOC_ReturnOfMedusa.lzx (42317 bytes) - all modules from the game "Return Of Medusa".
SOC_StateOfMind.lzx (29014 bytes) - module from the intro "State Of Mind" by Level 4 & Endless Piracy.
SOC_Tangram.lzx (20291 bytes) - all modules from the game "Tangram".
Jochen Hippel ST
HST_Amberstar.lzx (10569 bytes) - all modules from the game "Amberstar".
HST_APrehistoricTale.lzx (12148 bytes) - all modules from the game "A Prehistoric Tale".
HST_Astaroth.lzx (6021 bytes) - all modules from the game "Astaroth".
HST_Atomino.lzx (6066 bytes) - all modules from the game "Atomino".
HST_Atomix.lzx (4251 bytes) - module from the game "Atomix".
HST_ChambersOfShaolin.lzx (15170 bytes) - all modules from the game "Chambers Of Shaolin".
HST_CircusAttractions.lzx (3434 bytes) - module from the game "Circus Attractions".
HST_Crown.lzx (6811 bytes) - all modules from the game "Crown".
HST_CuddlyDemos.lzx (6447 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Cuddly Demos" by The Carebears.
HST_DarkSideOfTheSpoon.lzx (27184 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Dark Side Of The Spoon" by Unlimited Matrix.
HST_DragonFlight.lzx (14261 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dragon Flight".
HST_EnchantedLand.lzx (10096 bytes) - all modules from the game "Enchanted Land".
HST_FifthGear.lzx (3856 bytes) - module from the game "Fifth Gear".
HST_GhostBattle.lzx (13928 bytes) - all modules from the game "Ghost Battle".
HST_GrandMonsterSlam.lzx (2995 bytes) - module from the game "Grand Monster Slam".
HST_GreatCourts2.lzx (2609 bytes) - module from the game "Great Courts 2" aka "Pro Tennis Tour 2".
HST_InsectsInSpace.lzx (3209 bytes) - module from the game "Insects In Space".
HST_Jinks.lzx (2052 bytes) - module from the game "Jinks".
HST_LapDance.lzx (15209 bytes) - different modules converted to TFMX format.
HST_LeavinTeramis.lzx (11137 bytes) - all modules from the game "Leavin Teramis".
HST_LethalXcess.lzx (13794 bytes) - all modules from the game "Lethal Xcess".
HST_LifesABitch.lzx (11763 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Life's A Bitch" by The Lost Boys.
HST_M-Demo1.lzx (4256 bytes) - all modules from the demo "M-Demo 1 by AN Cool", composed Anders Nilsson.
HST_M-Demo4.lzx (2383 bytes) - module from the demo "M-Demo 4" by AN Cool, composed Anders Nilsson.
HST_MasterBlazer.lzx (4477 bytes) - all modules from the game "Master Blazer".
HST_MindBomb.lzx (28277 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Mind Bomb" by The Lost Boys.
HST_NinjaRemix.lzx (50412 bytes) - all modules from the game "Ninja Remix".
HST_OohCrickeyWotAScorcher.lzx (18943 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Ooh Crickey Wot A Scorcher" by The Lost Boys.
HST_Pablo&GoldOfMontezuma.lzx (4413 bytes) - module from the game "Pablo & The Gold Of Montezuma".
HST_QuizMaster.lzx (2685 bytes) - module from the game "Quiz Master".
HST_ReturnOfMedusa.lzx (5615 bytes) - all modules from the game "Return Of Medusa".
HST_RingsOfMedusa.lzx (3465 bytes) - all modules from the game "Rings Of Medusa".
HST_RollOut.lzx (3408 bytes) - module from the game "Roll Out".
HST_SevenGatesOfJambala.lzx (11967 bytes) - all modules from the game "Seven Gates Of Jambala".
HST_SID.lzx (8511 bytes) - example SID modules.
HST_Sowatt.lzx (20357 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Sowatt", by The Carebears.
HST_Spaceball.lzx (2522 bytes) - module from the game "Spaceball" aka "Starball".
HST_STNews4_3.lzx (2805 bytes) - module from "ST News Volume 4 Issue 3".
HST_STNews4_4.lzx (7191 bytes) - all modules from "ST News Volume 4 Issue 4".
HST_STNews6_1.lzx (3707 bytes) - module from "ST News Volume 6 Issue 1".
HST_Stormlord.lzx (6171 bytes) - all modules from the game "Stormlord".
HST_SunnyShine.lzx (4082 bytes) - module from the game "Sunny Shine - on the Funny Side of Life".
HST_SyntaxTerror.lzx (57160 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Syntax Terror" by Delta Force.
HST_TCBTracker.lzx (2163 bytes) - module from "TCB Tracker", composed Anders Nilsson.
HST_Thalion.lzx (5497 bytes) - modules from "Thalion" intro.
HST_ThalionSoundDemo.lzx (13491 bytes) - all modules from "Thalion Sound Demo".
HST_Turrican.lzx (14343 bytes) - all modules from the game "Turrican".
HST_Turrican2.lzx (23486 bytes) - all modules from the game "Turrican II".
HST_Warp.lzx (4931 bytes) - all modules from the game "Warp".
HST_WingsOfDeath.lzx (18247 bytes) - all modules from the game "Wings Of Death".
HST_Z-Out.lzx (3674 bytes) - module from the game "Z-Out".
Kim Christensen
KIM_Rotor.lzx (325005 bytes) - all modules from the game "Rotor".
Kris Hatlelid
KH_FiendishFreddys.lzx (55012 bytes) - all modules from the game "Fiendish Freddy's".
KH_GrandPrixCircuit.lzx (29877 bytes) - all modules from the game "Grand Prix Circuit".
KH_Hardball2.lzx (26444 bytes) - all modules from the game "Hardball II".
KH_SuperC.lzx (29748 bytes) - module from the game "Super C".
KH_TestDrive2.lzx (20675 bytes) - module from the game "Test Drive II".
KH_TheCycles.lzx (29557 bytes) - module from the game "The Cycles".
KH_TheCyclesv2.lzx (47814 bytes) - module from the game "The Cycles" (second version).
KH_TMNT.lzx (29485 bytes) - module from the game "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".
KH_WingsOfFury.lzx (34585 bytes) - module from the game "Wings Of Fury".
Leggless Music Editor
LME_NinjaSpirit.lzx (68137 bytes) - modules from/for the game "Ninja Spirit".
LME_Punisher.lzx (6113 bytes) - modules from/for the game "Punisher".
Magnetic Fields Packer
MFP_CrystalDragon.lzx (194406 bytes) - all modules from the game "Crystal Dragon".
MFP_KidChaos.lzx (526602 bytes) - all modules from the game "Kid Chaos".
MFP_KidVicious.lzx (108722 bytes) - all modules from the demo of "Kid Vicious".
MFP_TowerOfSouls.lzx (135626 bytes) - all modules from the game "Tower Of Souls".
Mark Cooksey
MC_AQuestionOfSport.lzx (36392 bytes) - module from the game "A Question Of Sport".
MC_Commando.lzx (59542 bytes) - module from the game "Commando".
MC_CrackDown.lzx (41763 bytes) - module from the game "Crack Down".
MC_ForgottenWorlds.lzx (63438 bytes) - all modules from the game "Forgotten Worlds".
MC_GhostNGoblins.lzx (126063 bytes) - all modules from the game "Ghost'N'Goblins".
MC_GrandNational.lzx (51038 bytes) - all modules from the game "Grand National".
MC_Gremlins2.lzx (136487 bytes) - module from the game "Gremlins II".
MC_LiveAndLetDie.lzx (47566 bytes) - module from the game "Live And Let Die" aka "Aqua Blast".
MC_MightyBombJack.lzx (40016 bytes) - module from the game "Mighty BombJack".
MC_MikeReadComputerPopQuiz.lzx (48922 bytes) - module from the game "Mike Reads Computer Pop Quiz".
MC_Overlander.lzx (28120 bytes) - module from the game "Overlander".
MC_Paperboy.lzx (75600 bytes) - module from the game "Paperboy".
MC_WorldChampionshipSoccer.lzx (66867 bytes) - module from the game "World Championship Soccer".
Martin Walker
MW_AtomicRoboKid.lzx (67095 bytes) - module from the game "Atomic Robo-Kid".
MW_Frenetic.lzx (70533 bytes) - all modules from the game "Frenetic".
MW_KingMaker.lzx (55146 bytes) - module from the game "King Maker".
Maximum Effect
MAX_AlloAllo!.lzx (76297 bytes) - all modules from the game "'Allo 'Allo!".
MAX_DinosaurDetective.lzx (152044 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dinosaur Detective Agency".
MXTX_A-Train.lzx (58839 bytes) - all modules from the game "A-Train".
MXTX_ContraptionZack.lzx (249236 bytes) - all modules from the game "Contraption Zack".
MXTX_DarkQueenOfKrynn.lzx (51780 bytes) - module from the game "Dark Queen Of Krynn".
MXTX_DarkSeed.lzx (208403 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dark Seed".
MXTX_Dune2.lzx (569018 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dune II".
MXTX_LegendOfKyrandia.lzx (256137 bytes) - all modules from the game "Legend Of Kyrandia".
MXTX_Might&Magic3.lzx (237583 bytes) - all modules from the game "Might & Magic III".
MXTX_PoolsOfDarkness.lzx (19929 bytes) - module from the game "Pools Of Darkness".
MXTX_SecretOfSilverBlades.lzx (15240 bytes) - module from the game "Secret Of Silver Blades".
MXTX_SimAnt.lzx (69301 bytes) - all modules from the game "Sim Ant".
MXTX_SimEarth.lzx (47398 bytes) - module from the game "Sim Earth".
MED Packer
MMDC_CaptainPlanet.lzx (255213 bytes) - all modules from the game "Captain Planet".
MMDC_Knightmare.lzx (153004 bytes) - all modules from the game "Knightmare".
MIDI - Loriciel
MIDI_BumpysArcadeFantasy.lzx (47606 bytes) - module from the game "Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy".
MIDI_Cartoons.lzx (255388 bytes) - all modules from the game "Cartoons".
MIDI_Entity.lzx (518433 bytes) - all modules from the game "Entity".
Mike Davies
MD_DynastyWars.lzx (43919 bytes) - module from the game "Dynasty Wars".
MD_WorldCupUSA94.lzx (142647 bytes) - module from the game "World Cup USA 94".
Mosh Packer
MOSH_EarwaxCollection1.lzx (515439 bytes) - all modules from the music disk "Earwax Collection 1" by Anarchy.
MOSH_FerryTales.lzx (22230 bytes) - module from the demo "Ferry Tales" by Anarchy.
MUG_QuestForAgravain.lzx (10341 bytes) - module from the game "Quest For Agravain".
Mugician II
MUG2_Borobodur.lzx (174031 bytes) - module from the game "Borobodur", composed by Ramon Braumuller.
MUG2_ClockWiser.lzx (59246 bytes) - module from the game "Clock Wiser", composed by Ramon Braumuller.
MUG2_Demosong.lzx (79907 bytes) - example Mugician II module, composed by Ramon Braumuller.
MUG2_Hoi.lzx (108112 bytes) - module from the game "Hoi", composed by Ramon Braumuller.
MUG2_MoonChild.lzx (418579 bytes) - module from the game "Moon Child", composed by Ramon Braumuller.
MUG2_Snickle.lzx (50834 bytes) - module called "Snickle", composed by Reinier van Vliet (Hi, Rhino!).
MultiMedia Sound
MMS_Bad.lzx (76532 bytes) - module called "Bad".
MMS_CafeDeParis.lzx (22662 bytes) - module called "Cafe De Paris".
MMS_CobraStrikesAgain.lzx (59206 bytes) - module called "Cobra Strikes Again".
Music-X Driver
MXP_DiscoveryV2.lzx (87414 bytes) - all modules from the "Discovery V2.0", composed by Matt Nathan.
MXP_DrPlummetsHouseOfFlux.lzx (29712 bytes) - module from the game "Dr. Plummet's House Of Flux".
MXP_Jetsons.lzx (66231 bytes) - all modules from the game "The Jetsons - George Jetson and the Legend of Robotopia", composed by Matt Nathan & Craig Knudsen.
MXP_LostDutchmanMine.lzx (11529 bytes) - all modules from the game "Lost Dutchman Mine".
MXP_WelcomeCD.lzx (95649 bytes) - all modules from the "CDTV Welcome Disc".
MXP_WolfPack.lzx (36782 bytes) - module from the game "WolfPack", composed by Thom Clement.
Musicline 4V
ML_TetrizTheme.lzx (23925 bytes) - module called "Tetriz Theme".
Musicline 8V
ML_OceanicStorm.lzx (213546 bytes) - module called "Oceanic Storm".
Nick Pelling Packer
NPP_Battletoads.lzx (296126 bytes) - all modules from the game "Battletoads", composed by Mark Knight.
NPP_WingCommander.lzx (400299 bytes) - all modules from the game "Wing Commander", composed by Mark Knight.
NPP_WingCommanderCD32.lzx (444617 bytes) - all modules from the game "Wing Commander" (CD32 version), composed by Mark Knight.
NT_GnomieByNight.lzx (1276097 bytes) - all modules from "Gnomie By Night" musicdisk.
NT_GuySpy.lzx (194190 bytes) - all modules from the game "Guy Spy", composed by Marc Francois/Sonix Systems & Mark Knight.
NT_HisMastersNoise.lzx (8481673 bytes) - all modules from "His Master's Noise" musicdisk.
NT_Lightforce.lzx (233067 bytes) - module called "Lightforce".
NovoTrade Packer
NTP_Castlevania.lzx (96134 bytes) - all modules from the game "Castlevania".
TWO_CashewPeanut.lzx (1764160 bytes) - module from the demo "Cashew Peanut" by Spaceballs.
TWO_DanceExtravaganza.lzx (1881364 bytes) - module from the demo "Dance Extravaganza" by Boozoholics.
TWO_Fettkrem.lzx (656040 bytes) - module from the demo "Fettkrem" by Spaceballs & Kvasigen.
TWO_Hog.lzx (2446930 bytes) - module from the demo "Hog" by Spaceballs.
TWO_Micromonster.lzx (2481213 bytes) - module from the demo "Micromonster" by Contraz.
TWO_Monkey.lzx (965692 bytes) - module from the demo "Monkey" by Boozoholics.
TWO_NorwegianKindness.lzx (2408778 bytes) - module from the demo "Norwegian Kindness" by Spaceballs.
TWO_Retrospectacular.lzx (3111483 bytes) - module from the demo "Retrospectacular" by Contraz.
TWO_RobinsonBoozoe2009.lzx (394055 bytes) - module from the demo "Robinson Boozoe 2009 invitation" by Boozoholics.
TWO_SomeOfOtherEntries.lzx (509843 bytes) - module from the demo "Some of The Other Entries Might Have Been Acceptable" by Boozoholics.
TWO_ThePlague.lzx (1285328 bytes) - module from the demo "The Plague" by Spaceballs.
TWO_WhateverRocksYourBoat.lzx (902024 bytes) - module from the demo "Whatever Rocks Your Boat" by Spaceballs.
TWO_WishWeWereInItaly.lzx (1139976 bytes) - module from the demo "Wish We Were In Italy" by Spaceballs.
TWO_YouAreLucy.lzx (1341173 bytes) - module from the demo "You Are Lucy" by Spaceballs.
ONE_onEscapee_1.lzx (9532046 bytes) - all music (archive 1) from "onEscapee".
ONE_onEscapee_2.lzx (10412628 bytes) - all music (archive 2) from "onEscapee".
ONE_onEscapee_3.lzx (9428718 bytes) - all music (archive 3) from "onEscapee".
ONE_onEscapee_4.lzx (9906921 bytes) - all music (archive 4) from "onEscapee".
ONE_onEscapee_5.lzx (10269335 bytes) - all music (archive 5) from "onEscapee".
Paul Robotham
DAT_AshesOfEmpire.lzx (210784 bytes) - all modules from the game "Ashes of Empire".
DAT_DawnPatrol.lzx (129002 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dawn Patrol".
DAT_MegaTraveller2.lzx (126712 bytes) - all modules from the game "Mega Traveller II".
DAT_Space1889.lzx (73268 bytes) - module from the game "Space 1889".
DAT_Starlord.lzx (97988 bytes) - all modules from the game "Starlord".
Paul Shields
PS_AirBall.lzx (55744 bytes) - all modules from the game "Air Ball".
PS_AmigaSoccer.lzx (83540 bytes) - all modules from the game "Amiga Soccer".
PS_Amnios.lzx (53866 bytes) - all modules from the game "Amnios".
PS_GoldRunner2.lzx (38514 bytes) - module from the game "GoldRunner II".
PS_Jug.lzx (93174 bytes) - all modules from the game "Jug".
Paul Summers
SNK_EvertonFC.lzx (41559 bytes) - module from the game "Everton FC".
SNK_FightingSoccer.lzx (39785 bytes) - module from the game "Fighting Soccer".
SNK_P-47.lzx (76519 bytes) - module from the game "P-47: Freedom Fighter".
SNK_PostmanPat.lzx (66013 bytes) - module from the game "Postman Pat".
Paul Tonge
PAT_AncientArtOfWar.lzx (95005 bytes) - all modules from the game "Ancient Art of War in the Skies".
PAT_Dogfight.lzx (93103 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dogfight - 80 Years of Aerial Warfare".
Peter Verswyvelen Packer
PVP_ZaraThrusta.lzx (87849 bytes) - module from the game "ZaraThrusta".
PVP_Ziriax.lzx (206218 bytes) - all modules from the game "Ziriax".
Pierre Adane Packer
PAP_Ivanhoe.lzx (16247 bytes) - all modules from the game "Ivanhoe".
PAP_Pang.lzx (28330 bytes) - all modules from the game "Pang".
Professional Sound Artists
PSA_Punisher.lzx (8866 bytes) - modules from/for the game "Punisher".
PSA_TestModule.lzx (39070 bytes) - example PSA module.
MOD_GlobalGladiators.lzx (61687 bytes) - module from the game "Global Gladiators".
MOD_MattFurniss.lzx (164049 bytes) - Matt Furniss modules from any game.
MOD_OdeToProtracker.lzx (11699 bytes) - module called "Ode To Protracker".
MOD_Settlers.lzx (268371 bytes) - all modules from the game "The Settlers".
PUMA_Elf.lzx (24302 bytes) - all modules from the game "Elf".
PUMA_ElfST.lzx (5716 bytes) - all modules from the game "Elf" (Atari ST version).
PUMA_LiquidKids.lzx (69533 bytes) - all modules from the game "Liquid Kids".
PUMA_SnowBros.lzx (12470 bytes) - all modules from the game "Snow Bros.".
PUMA_Toki.lzx (17987 bytes) - all modules from the game "Toki".
PUMA_TokiST.lzx (5830 bytes) - all modules from the game "Toki" (Atari ST version).
QPA_BurgerMan.lzx (51472 bytes) - all modules from the game "Burger Man".
QPA_FruitMachine.lzx (100620 bytes) - all modules from the game "Fruit Machine".
QPA_GhostChaser.lzx (39659 bytes) - all modules from the game "Ghost Chaser".
QPA_JungleBoy.lzx (6728 bytes) - module from the game "Jungle Boy".
QPA_Locomotion.lzx (33782 bytes) - module from the game "Locomotion".
QPA_Orbit2000.lzx (34996 bytes) - module from the game "Orbit 2000".
QPA_Quartet.lzx (130278 bytes) - all modules from the "Quartet" editor.
QPA_RadioControlledRacer.lzx (43396 bytes) - all modules from the game "Radio Controlled Racer".
QPA_TouringCarRacer.lzx (35882 bytes) - module from the game "Touring Car Racer".
Quartet PSG
SQT_FlimbosQuest.lzx (4589 bytes) - module from the game "Flimbo's Quest".
SQT_HorrorZombiesFromCrypt.lzx (4726 bytes) - module from the game "Horror Zombies From The Crypt".
SQT_TimeMachine.lzx (3837 bytes) - module from the game "Time Machine".
SQT_WarlockTheAvenger.lzx (3063 bytes) - module from the game "Warlock The Avenger".
Quartet ST
QTS_Aquanaut.lzx (13200 bytes) - module from the game "Aquanaut".
QTS_BackToTheGoldenAge.lzx (103460 bytes) - module from the game "Back To The Golden Age".
QTS_Cadaver.lzx (177624 bytes) - module from the game "Cadaver".
QTS_DanDare3.lzx (111776 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dan Dare 3".
QTS_DarkSideOfTheSpoon.lzx (62260 bytes) - module from the demo "Dark Side Of The Spoon" by Unlimited Matrix.
QTS_DecadeDemo.lzx (94802 bytes) - all modules from the "Decade Demo" by Inner Circle.
QTS_Defender2.lzx (37956 bytes) - module from the game "Defender 2".
QTS_DisciplesOfSteel.lzx (63944 bytes) - module from the game "Disciples Of Steel".
QTS_Fire&Brimstone.lzx (45214 bytes) - module from the game "Fire & Brimstone".
QTS_Gazza2.lzx (36952 bytes) - module from the game "Gazza 2".
QTS_Gettysburg.lzx (41492 bytes) - module from the game "Gettysburg".
QTS_Hunter.lzx (31617 bytes) - all modules from the game "Hunter".
QTS_InsignificantDemo.lzx (89602 bytes) - all modules from the "Insignificant Demo" (aka preview of Decade Demo) by Inner Circle.
QTS_International3DTennis.lzx (129384 bytes) - all modules from the game "International 3D Tennis".
QTS_InterSoccerChallenge.lzx (28726 bytes) - module from the game "International Soccer Challenge".
QTS_KillingCloud.lzx (140630 bytes) - all modules from the game "Killing Cloud".
QTS_Loopz.lzx (81120 bytes) - all modules from the game "Loopz".
QTS_MagicFly.lzx (46214 bytes) - module from the game "Magic Fly".
QTS_MetalMasters.lzx (79254 bytes) - module from the game "Metal Masters".
QTS_NarcoPolice.lzx (35696 bytes) - module from the game "Narco Police".
QTS_Necromunda.lzx (165078 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Necromunda" by Paranoia.
QTS_OohCrickeyWotAScorcher.lzx (255787 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Ooh Crickey Wot A Scorcher" by The Lost Boys.
QTS_PompeyPiratesMenu.lzx (882134 bytes) - all modules from the "Pompey Pirates Menu".
QTS_Projectyle.lzx (85558 bytes) - all modules from the game "Projectyle" (Amiga version).
QTS_ProjectyleST.lzx (135590 bytes) - all modules from the game "Projectyle".
QTS_Quartet.lzx (124572 bytes) - all modules from the "Quartet" editor.
QTS_QuartetDemo2.lzx (147147 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Quartet Demo 2" by Spherical.
QTS_QuartetMusicCollection.lzx (854938 bytes) - all modules from the "Quartet Music Collection" by Sparky.
QTS_Reflex.lzx (74465 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Reflex" by The Opposition.
QTS_ShadowOfTheBeast.lzx (169614 bytes) - all modules from the game "Shadow Of The Beast".
QTS_ShadowSorcerer.lzx (40936 bytes) - module from the game "Shadow Sorcerer".
QTS_SnowStrike.lzx (29452 bytes) - module from the game "Snow Strike".
QTS_SonEtLumiere.lzx (113093 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Son Et Lumiere" by Paranoia.
QTS_Speedball2.lzx (124104 bytes) - module from the game "Speedball 2".
QTS_SpindizzyWorlds.lzx (33189 bytes) - all modules from the game "Spindizzy Worlds".
QTS_Supremacy.lzx (113706 bytes) - all modules from the game "Supremacy".
QTS_ThunderHawk.lzx (83350 bytes) - all modules from the game "Thunder Hawk".
QTS_TimeMachine.lzx (48776 bytes) - all modules from the game "Time Machine".
QTS_Tusker.lzx (162413 bytes) - all modules from the game "Tusker".
QTS_WrathOfTheDemon.lzx (67178 bytes) - all modules from the game "Wrath Of The Demon".
QTS_Wreckers.lzx (52628 bytes) - all modules from the game "Wreckers".
Richard Joseph
RJ_Barbarian2.lzx (388060 bytes) - module from the game "Barbarian 2".
RJ_Cadaver.lzx (222299 bytes) - module from the game "Cadaver".
RJ_JamesPond.lzx (78573 bytes) - all modules from the game "James Pond".
RJ_JamesPond2.lzx (38225 bytes) - all modules from the game "James Pond 2 - Robocod".
RJ_JamesPond2preview.lzx (31563 bytes) - module from the preview of "James Pond 2 - Robocod".
RJ_Legend.lzx (44476 bytes) - module from the games "Legend" & "World Of Legend".
RJ_LureOfTheTemptress.lzx (365988 bytes) - module from the game "Lure Of The Temptress".
RJ_Moonstone.lzx (434465 bytes) - module from the game "Moonstone".
RJ_SpeedBall2.lzx (232338 bytes) - all modules from the game "SpeedBall 2".
RJ_VoodooNightmare.lzx (16137 bytes) - module from the game "Voodoo Nightmare".
EXE_VoodooNightmare.lzx (25002 bytes) - source of module "Voodoo Nightmare".
Richard Joseph Player
RJP_Blobby.lzx (108322 bytes) - all modules from the game "Mr Blobby".
Riff Raff
RIFF_BombFusion.lzx (36244 bytes) - module from the game "Bomb Fusion".
EXE_BombFusion.lzx (37637 bytes) - source of module "Bomb Fusion".
RIFF_Protector.lzx (28927 bytes) - module from the game "Protector".
RIFF_SideWinder2.lzx (15229 bytes) - module from the game "Side Winder II".
RIFF_TBird.lzx (42088 bytes) - module from the game "T'Bird".
EXE_TBird.lzx (43717 bytes) - source of module "T'Bird".
Rob Hubbard
RH_BardsTale3.lzx (36639 bytes) - module from the game "Bard's Tale III - Thief Of Fate".
RH_Budokan.lzx (72999 bytes) - module from the game "Budokan".
RH_Budokandemo.lzx (72997 bytes) - module from the demo of "Budokan" game.
RH_Centurion.lzx (208783 bytes) - all modules from the game "Centurion".
RH_Populous.lzx (97646 bytes) - module from the game "Populous".
RH_Sanxion.lzx (76199 bytes) - module called "Sanxion".
RH_SanxionDemo.lzx (75663 bytes) - module from the demo "Sanxion".
RH_SkateOrDie.lzx (197160 bytes) - module called "Skate Or Die".
Rob Hubbard ST
RHO_BattleShips.lzx (1744 bytes) - module from the game "Battle Ships".
RHO_GoldRunner.lzx (1945 bytes) - module from the game "Gold Runner".
RHO_JupiterProbe.lzx (2349 bytes) - module from the game "Jupiter Probe".
Sean Connolly
SCN_Reaxion.lzx (140632 bytes) - module from the game "Reaxion".
Sean Conran
SCR_DefendersOfEarth.lzx (125840 bytes) - module from the game "Defenders Of Earth".
SCR_Duckula.lzx (89139 bytes) - all modules from the game "Duckula".
SCR_HongKongPhooey.lzx (59854 bytes) - module from the game "HongKong Phooey".
SCR_Infestation.lzx (51559 bytes) - module from the game "Infestation".
SCR_MegaTwins.lzx (18777 bytes) - module from the game "Mega Twins".
SCR_RuffAndReddy.lzx (45032 bytes) - module from the game "Ruff And Reddy".
SCR_TopCat.lzx (33136 bytes) - module from the game "Top Cat".
SCR_VideoKid.lzx (93046 bytes) - all modules from the game "Video Kid".
SCR_WackyRaces.lzx (36296 bytes) - module from the game "Wacky Races".
SCR_WWFWrestlemania.lzx (66415 bytes) - module from the game "WWF Wrestlemania".
SCR_YogiBear&Friends.lzx (72568 bytes) - module from the game "Yogi Bear & Friends".
Sierra AGI
AGI_BlackCauldron.lzx (4626 bytes) - all modules from the game "Black Cauldron".
AGI_ComputerChristmas.lzx (6608 bytes) - all modules from "A Computer Christmas".
AGI_DonaldDucksPlayground.lzx (4326 bytes) - all modules from the game "Donald Duck's Playground".
AGI_GoldRush.lzx (6924 bytes) - all modules from the game "Gold Rush".
AGI_KingsQuest1.lzx (3634 bytes) - all modules from the game "King's Quest I".
AGI_KingsQuest2.lzx (5239 bytes) - all modules from the game "King's Quest II".
AGI_KingsQuest3.lzx (7670 bytes) - all modules from the game "King's Quest III".
AGI_KingsQuest4.lzx (23382 bytes) - all modules from the game "King's Quest IV".
AGI_KingsQuest4demo.lzx (4458 bytes) - all modules from the demo of "King's Quest IV".
AGI_LeisureSuitLarry1.lzx (7762 bytes) - all modules from the game "Leisure Suit Larry I".
AGI_Manhunter1.lzx (11110 bytes) - all modules from the game "Manhunter I".
AGI_Manhunter2.lzx (16434 bytes) - all modules from the game "Manhunter II".
AGI_MixedUpMotherGoose.lzx (11232 bytes) - all modules from the game "Mixed-Up Mother Goose".
AGI_PoliceQuest1.lzx (5566 bytes) - all modules from the game "Police Quest I".
AGI_SierraDemo1.lzx (5092 bytes) - all modules from the first Sierra demo.
AGI_SierraDemo2.lzx (8501 bytes) - all modules from the second Sierra demo.
AGI_SierraDemo3.lzx (12146 bytes) - all modules from the third Sierra demo.
AGI_SierraDemo4.lzx (7732 bytes) - all modules from the fourth Sierra demo.
AGI_SierraDemo5.lzx (9074 bytes) - all modules from the fifth Sierra demo.
AGI_SpaceQuest1.lzx (5904 bytes) - all modules from the game "Space Quest I".
AGI_SpaceQuest2.lzx (7502 bytes) - all modules from the game "Space Quest II".
AGI_Thexder.lzx (2000 bytes) - all modules from the game "Thexder".
MOK_BostonBombClub.lzx (51980 bytes) - all modules from the game "Boston Bomb Club".
MOK_Colorado.lzx (31434 bytes) - module from the game "Colorado".
MOK_CrystalsOfArborea.lzx (41571 bytes) - module from the game "Crystals Of Arborea".
MOK_Ishar.lzx (92641 bytes) - module from the game "Ishar".
MOK_LeFeticheMaya.lzx (19046 bytes) - module from the game "Le Fetiche Maya".
MOK_MetalMutant.lzx (104593 bytes) - all modules from the game "Metal Mutant".
MOK_Starblade.lzx (33825 bytes) - module from the game "Starblade".
MOK_StormMaster.lzx (59295 bytes) - module from the game "Storm Master".
MOK_Targhan.lzx (20731 bytes) - module from the game "Targhan".
MOK_WindsurfWilly.lzx (21920 bytes) - module from the game "Windsurf Willy".
Sonic Arranger
SA_AmberMoon.lzx (597426 bytes) - all modules from the game "AmberMoon", composed by Matthias Steinwachs.
SA_DimosQuest.lzx (210574 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dimo's Quest", composed by Nils Ruzicka.
SA_EnergieManager.lzx (57758 bytes) - module from the game "Energie Manager".
SA_Fukasong.lzx (6548 bytes) - module composed by Frantisek Fuka.
SA_Lionheart.lzx (516915 bytes) - all modules from the game "Lionheart", composed by Matthias Steinwachs.
SA_Lionheartdemo.lzx (148892 bytes) - all modules from the demos of "Lionheart" game, composed by Matthias Steinwachs.
SA_MarvinMarvellous.lzx (525091 bytes) - all modules from the game "Marvin Marvellous", composed by Nils Ruzicka.
SA_MarvinMarvellousdemo.lzx (29108 bytes) - module from the demo of "Marvin Marvellous" game.
SA_SkidRow.lzx (4321 bytes) - module from the "Skid Row" intro.
SA_SonicArranger.lzx (13422 bytes) - all modules from the "Sonic Arranger" intro.
SA_TRSI.lzx (48442 bytes) - all modules from the "TRSI" intros.
Sonix Music Driver
SMUS_4x4OffRoadRacing.lzx (43829 bytes) - module from the game "4x4 Off Road Racing".
SMUS_ATributeToRobBaxter.lzx (682672 bytes) - all modules from "A Tribute To Rob Baxter".
SMUS_AlternateReality.lzx (203153 bytes) - all modules from the game "Alternate Reality".
SMUS_Amigadeus.lzx (383838 bytes) - all modules from "Amigadeus".
SMUS_CaliforniaGames.lzx (80514 bytes) - all modules from the game "California Games".
SMUS_Classix1.lzx (331040 bytes) - all modules from "Classix 1".
SMUS_Classix2.lzx (368822 bytes) - all modules from "Classix 2".
SMUS_DigitalDebussy2.lzx (454652 bytes) - all modules from "Digital Debussy 2".
SMUS_Harpsichord.lzx (228765 bytes) - all modules from "Harpsichord".
SMUS_ItCameFromTheDesert.lzx (124657 bytes) - all modules from the demo "It Came From The Desert" game.
SMUS_LesPortesDuTemps.lzx (66595 bytes) - all modules from the game "Les Portes Du Temps".
SMUS_MagnificentForceIntro.lzx (101920 bytes) - module from "Magnificent Force Intro".
SMUS_MagnificentForceMusC2.lzx (266387 bytes) - all modules from "Magnificent Force Music Collection 2".
SMUS_MasterNinja2.lzx (58677 bytes) - module from the game "Master Ninja II".
SMUS_Mindroll.lzx (66595 bytes) - all modules from the game "Mindroll".
SMUS_NewYorkWarriors.lzx (29477 bytes) - all modules from the game "New York Warriors".
SMUS_PicturesAtExhibition.lzx (817001 bytes) - all modules from "Pictures At An Exhibition".
SMUS_RhapsodyInBlue.lzx (397539 bytes) - all modules from "Rhapsody In Blue".
SMUS_RocketRanger.lzx (49441 bytes) - all modules from the game "Rocket Ranger".
SMUS_Spot.lzx (132920 bytes) - all modules from the game "Spot".
SMUS_SpiritOfExcalibur.lzx (28918 bytes) - all modules from the game "Spirit Of Excalibur".
SMUS_StreetSportBasketball.lzx (12764 bytes) - module from the game "Street Sports Basketball".
SMUS_TheFourSeasons.lzx (664560 bytes) - all modules from "The Four Seasons".
SMUS_TVSportsBaseball.lzx (60116 bytes) - all modules from the game "TV Sports Baseball" aka "Bo Jackson Baseball".
SMUS_TVSportsBoxing.lzx (43356 bytes) - module from the game "TV Sports Boxing".
SMUS_TVSportsFootball.lzx (71190 bytes) - all modules from the game "TV Sports Football".
SMUS_VengeanceOfExcalibur.lzx (52456 bytes) - all modules from the game "Vengeance Of Excalibur".
SMUS_WarInMiddleEarth.lzx (72879 bytes) - all modules from the game "War In Middle Earth".
SMUS_CarmenWorld1990.lzx (33868 bytes) - all modules from the game "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" (1990 version).
SMUS_WhoFramedRogerRabbit.lzx (337195 bytes) - all modules from the game "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?".
SMUS_Zueridemo.lzx (52707 bytes) - all modules from the demo of "Zueri" game.
SNX_A10TankKiller.lzx (107405 bytes) - all modules from the game "A-10 Tank Killer v1.0".
SNX_RiseOfTheDragon.lzx (823786 bytes) - all modules from the game "Rise Of The Dragon".
SNX_Stellar7.lzx (132066 bytes) - all modules from the game "Stellar 7".
SNX_CarmenTime.lzx (61346 bytes) - all modules from the game "Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?".
TINY_ItCameFromTheDesert.lzx (92754 bytes) - all modules from the games "It Came From The Desert" (I & II).
TINY_MagicJohnsonsBasket.lzx (59768 bytes) - module from the game "Magic Johnson's Basketball".
TINY_TheGamesWinterEdit.lzx (92131 bytes) - all modules from the game "The Games: Winter Edition".
TINY_TVSportsBasketball.lzx (70288 bytes) - module from the game "TV Sports Basketball".
TINY_CarmenEurope.lzx (66036 bytes) - all modules from the game "Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?".
TINY_CarmenUSA.lzx (43118 bytes) - all modules from the game "Where in USA is Carmen Sandiego?".
TINY_CarmenWorld1989.lzx (33424 bytes) - all modules from the game "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" (1989 version).
Sound Images
TW_NeverMind.lzx (87299 bytes) - all modules from the game "Never Mind".
TW_WarInTheGulf.lzx (40382 bytes) - module from the game "War in the Gulf".
Sound Master
SM_Delta.lzx (44791 bytes) - module called "Delta".
SM_Doofus.lzx (273244 bytes) - all modules from the game "Doofus".
SM_FutureShock.lzx (380372 bytes) - all modules from the game "Future Shock".
SM_RackneysIsland.lzx (217458 bytes) - all modules from the game "Rackney's Island".
Sound Programming Language
SPL_BoulderDash.lzx (44458 bytes) - module from the games "Boulder Dash" & "Emerald Mine".
EXE_BoulderDash.lzx (45667 bytes) - source of module "Boulder Dash".
SPL_Clever&Smart.lzx (48751 bytes) - module from the game "Clever & Smart".
SPL_Extensor.lzx (54685 bytes) - module from the game "Extensor".
SPL_GraffitiMan.lzx (54088 bytes) - module from the game "Graffiti Man".
SPL_HappyPhone.lzx (44161 bytes) - module called "Happy Phone".
SPL_HollywoodPoker.lzx (38521 bytes) - module from the game "Hollywood Poker".
SPL_Sanxion.lzx (28120 bytes) - module called "Sanxion".
SPL_SpacePort.lzx (69238 bytes) - module from the game "Space Port".
SPL_WesternGames.lzx (21753 bytes) - module from the game "Western Games".
EXE_WesternGames.lzx (22664 bytes) - source of module "Western Games".
SCT_Biing.lzx (562281 bytes) - all modules from the game "Biing".
SCT_Domination.lzx (107762 bytes) - module from the game "Domination".
SCT_Dynatech.lzx (283826 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dynatech".
SCT_Dyter07.lzx (106657 bytes) - module from the game "Dyter-07".
SCT_HotNumbers.lzx (97647 bytes) - module from the games "Sexy Droids" & "Hot Numbers".
SCT_HotNumbersDeluxe.lzx (174044 bytes) - all modules from the game "Hot Numbers Deluxe".
SCT_NorthSeaInferno.lzx (102486 bytes) - all modules from the game "North Sea Inferno".
PSF_AxelF.lzx (35454 bytes) - module called "Axel F".
PSF_DangerCastle.lzx (39231 bytes) - module from the game "Danger Castle".
PSF_Oriental.lzx (24074 bytes) - module called "Oriental".
SFX_AcidJausa.lzx (96331 bytes) - module called "Acid Jausa".
SFX_AnotherWorld.lzx (69761 bytes) - all modules from the game "Another World".
SFX_BOND11.lzx (32703 bytes) - missing module from the game "Operation Stealth", others are on the Rips Page.
SFX_HistoryLine1914-1918.lzx (279045 bytes) - all modules from the game "HistoryLine 1914-1918".
SFX_Leonardo.lzx (80411 bytes) - all modules from the game "Leonardo".
SFX_VenusTheFlytrap.lzx (257252 bytes) - all modules from the game "Venus The Flytrap", composed by George Allen.
SJS_HolidayLemmings.lzx (70552 bytes) - all modules from the game "Holiday Lemmings". composed by Toby Van Der Peer & Andy White.
SJS_Lemmings.lzx (558788 bytes) - all modules from the game "Lemmings", composed by Brian Johnston & Tim Wright.
SJS_Lemmingsdemo.lzx (425506 bytes) - all modules from demo of "Lemmings" game, composed by Brian Johnston.
SJS_OhNoMoreLemmings.lzx (76736 bytes) - all modules from the game "Oh No! More Lemmings", composed by Brian Johnston.
Special FX
JD_Batman.lzx (266759 bytes) - all modules from the game "Batman The Movie", composed by Jonathan Dunn & Matthew Cannon.
JD_BattleCommand.lzx (102719 bytes) - all modules from the game "Battle Command", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
JD_Elf.lzx (82683 bytes) - module from the game "Elf", composed by Matthew Cannon.
JD_F-29Retaliator.lzx (40334 bytes) - module for the game "F-29 Retaliator" (Atari ST version), composed by Matthew Cannon.
JD_HeadOverHeels.lzx (81509 bytes) - module from the game "Head Over Heels", composed by Keith Tinman.
JD_HudsonHawk.lzx (54908 bytes) - module from the game "Hudson Hawk", composed by Keith Tinman.
JD_MidnightResistance.lzx (50924 bytes) - module from the game "Midnight Resistance", composed by Keith Tinman.
JD_NavySeals.lzx (119971 bytes) - all modules from the game "Navy Seals", composed by Matthew Cannon.
JD_NewZealandStory.lzx (23128 bytes) - module from the game "New Zealand Story", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
JD_NewZealandStorydemo.lzx (20775 bytes) - module from the demo of "New Zealand Story" game, composed by Jonathan Dunn.
JD_OperationThunderBolt.lzx (97603 bytes) - module from the game "Operation ThunderBolt", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
JD_Rambo3.lzx (181986 bytes) - all modules from the game "Rambo III", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
JD_Robocop2.lzx (346820 bytes) - all modules from the game "Robocop II", composed by Keith Tinman.
JD_Striker.lzx (128757 bytes) - module from the game "Striker", composed by Ian Moran.
JD_WildWheels.lzx (80781 bytes) - all modules from the game "Wild Wheels", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
Special FX ST
DODA_AddamsFamily.lzx (5632 bytes) - module from the game "Addams Family", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
DODA_BartVsSpaceMutants.lzx (3382 bytes) - module from the game "Bart Vs Space Mutants", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
DODA_BatmanTheMovie.lzx (5292 bytes) - module from the game "Batman The Movie", composed by Jonathan Dunn & Matthew Cannon.
DODA_BattleCommand.lzx (2992 bytes) - module from the game "Battle Command", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
DODA_Darkman.lzx (3088 bytes) - module from the game "Darkman", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
DODA_Elf.lzx (2427 bytes) - module from the game "Elf", composed by Matthew Cannon.
DODA_HeadOverHeels.lzx (2953 bytes) - module from the game "Head Over Heels", composed by Keith Tinman.
DODA_Hook.lzx (6632 bytes) - module from the game "Hook", composed by Dean Evans & Keith Tinman.
DODA_HudsonHawk.lzx (5050 bytes) - module from the game "Hudson Hawk", composed by Keith Tinman.
DODA_LethalWeapon.lzx (4994 bytes) - module from the game "Lethal Weapon", composed by Dean Evans & Barry Leitch.
DODA_LostPatrol.lzx (2913 bytes) - module from the game "Lost Patrol", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
DODA_NavySeals.lzx (4931 bytes) - module from the game "Navy Seals", composed by Matthew Cannon.
DODA_NewZealandStory.lzx (3050 bytes) - module from the game "New Zealand Story", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
DODA_OneStepBeyond.lzx (4460 bytes) - module from the game "One Step Beyond", composed by Dean Evans & Keith Tinman.
DODA_OperationThunderBolt.lzx (2703 bytes) - module from the game "Operation ThunderBolt", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
DODA_ParasolStars.lzx (5053 bytes) - module from the game "Parasol Stars", composed by Keith Tinman & Matthew Cannon.
DODA_PushOver.lzx (12348 bytes) - all modules from the game "Push Over", composed by Keith Tinman, Dean Evans & Jonathan Dunn.
DODA_Robocop2.lzx (6699 bytes) - all modules from the game "Robocop 2", composed by Keith Tinman.
DODA_Terminator2.lzx (3356 bytes) - module from the game "Terminator 2", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
DODA_Voyager.lzx (2874 bytes) - module from the game "Voyager", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
DODA_WildWheels.lzx ( bytes) - all modules from the game "Wild Wheels", composed by Jonathan Dunn.
Speedy A1 System
SAS_Examples.lzx (156894 bytes) - three example modules.
Speedy System
SS_Chaconne.lzx (56031 bytes) - module called "Chaconne".
SS_CrazyWolfs.lzx (94852 bytes) - module called "Crazy Wolfs".
SS_DownAtTheTrolls.lzx (119685 bytes) - module from the game "Down At The Trolls".
Steve Barrett
SB_AdvancedSkiSimulator.lzx (57639 bytes) - module from the game "Advanced Ski Simulator".
SB_ArtificialDreams.lzx (45327 bytes) - module from the game "Artificial Dreams".
SB_ChroniclesOfOmega.lzx (55224 bytes) - module from the game "Chronicles Of Omega".
SB_Dragonscape.lzx (52392 bytes) - module from the game "Dragonscape".
SB_KellyX.lzx (24463 bytes) - module from the game "Kelly X".
SB_StreetFighter.lzx (28994 bytes) - module from the game "Street Fighter".
Steve Turner
JPO_Paradroid90.lzx (66278 bytes) - module from the game "Paradroid 90".
JPO_RainbowIslands.lzx (3919 bytes) - module from the game "Rainbow Islands".
Synth Dream
SDR_MonsterBusiness.lzx (86172 bytes) - all modules from the game "Monster Business".
SDR_NoBuddiesLand.lzx (351930 bytes) - all modules from the game "No Buddies Land".
Synth Pack
OSP_CenterBase.lzx (31347 bytes) - all modules from the game "Center Base".
OSP_Dyter07.lzx (41936 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dyter-07".
TCB Tracker
TCB_CannonFodder.lzx (186793 bytes) - module from the game "Cannon Fodder", composed by Richard Joseph.
TCB_ChaosEngine.lzx (102006 bytes) - module from the game "Chaos Engine", composed by Richard Joseph.
TCB_Gods.lzx (167973 bytes) - module from the game "Gods", composed by Richard Joseph.
TCB_M-Demo3.lzx (363870 bytes) - all modules from the demo "M-Demo 3" by AN Cool.
TCB_M-Demo4.lzx (1029866 bytes) - all modules from the "M-Demo 4" by AN Cool.
TCB_MagicPockets.lzx (137781 bytes) - module from the game "Magic Pockets", composed by Richard Joseph.
TCB_MegaLoMania.lzx (156648 bytes) - module from the game "Mega-Lo-Mania", composed by Richard Joseph.
TCB_Mig29.lzx (76526 bytes) - module from the game "Mig 29".
TCB_Powermonger.lzx (52668 bytes) - module from the game "Powermonger".
TCB_ReplicantsIntro.lzx (63928 bytes) - module from the "Replicants" intro.
TCB_SensibleSoccer.lzx (123041 bytes) - module from the game "Sensible Soccer", composed by Richard Joseph.
TCB_StormBall.lzx (46852 bytes) - module from the game "StormBall", composed by Richard Joseph.
TCB_TCBTrackerDemo.lzx (66110 bytes) - module from the "TCB Tracker" demo.
TCB_TeamSuzuki.lzx (77401 bytes) - module from the game "Team Suzuki".
TCB_XyphoesFantasy.lzx (65802 bytes) - all modules from the game "Xyphoes Fantasy" (CPC Amstrad game), composed by Fabrice Hautecloque.
MDAT_Apprentice.lzx (203158 bytes) - all modules from the game "Apprentice".
MDAT_EinmalKanzlerSein.lzx (63369 bytes) - all modules from the game "Einmal Kanzler Sein".
MDAT_FatalHeritage.lzx (199878 bytes) - all modules from the game "Fatal Heritage".
MDAT_Software2000.lzx (76838 bytes) - module from "Software 2000" advertising.
MDAT_SunnyShine.lzx (344690 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "Sunny Shine - on the Funny Side of Life", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDAT_TurricanST.lzx (40642 bytes) - module from the game "Turrican" (Atari ST version).
MDAT_X-Outdemo.lzx (158874 bytes) - all modules from the demo of "X-Out" game.
MDA7_Anstoss.lzx (93478 bytes) - module from the game "Anstoss" aka "On The Ball", composed by Rudolf Stember.
MDA7_Apidya.lzx (288856 bytes) - all modules from the game "Apidya", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDA7_BCKid.lzx (110612 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "B.C.Kid", composed by Rudolf Stember.
MDA7_BMHattrick.lzx (60782 bytes) - module from the game "Bundesliga Manager Hattrick", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDA7_CarlLewisChallenge.lzx (78998 bytes) - module from the game "Carl Lewis Challenge", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDA7_Denny.lzx (59754 bytes) - module for the game "Denny", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDA7_EnergieManager.lzx (29508 bytes) - module for the game "Energie Manager", composed by Rudolf Stember.
MDA7_Hexuma.lzx (99618 bytes) - module from the game "Hexuma", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDA7_MetalLaw.lzx (106724 bytes) - module from the game "Metal Law", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDA7_Turrican2.lzx (70522 bytes) - module from the game "Turrican 2", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDA7_Turrican3.lzx (68494 bytes) - module from the game "Turrican 3", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_AbenteuerEuropa.lzx (124547 bytes) - module for the game "Abenteuer Europa", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Amigo91_4.lzx (86682 bytes) - module from "Amigo 91 Issue 4", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Amigo91_5.lzx (43246 bytes) - module from "Amigo 91 Issue 5", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Anstoss.lzx (509451 bytes) - all modules from/for the games "Anstoss" aka "On The Ball" aka "Carton Rouge", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Apidya.lzx (212607 bytes) - all modules from the game "Apidya - War At Meadows Edge", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_Apidyademo.lzx (43288 bytes) - module from the demo of "Apidya" game, composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_BattleIsle.lzx (148854 bytes) - module from the game "Battle Isle", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_BCKid.lzx (220947 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "B.C.Kid", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_BiFi.lzx (41826 bytes) - module from the game "BiFi", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_BiFi2.lzx (100719 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "BiFi 2", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_BugBomber.lzx (28963 bytes) - module from the game "Bug Bomber", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_BundesligaManHattrick.lzx (152205 bytes) - all modules from the game "Bundesliga Manager Hattrick", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_CaribbeanDisaster.lzx (669373 bytes) - all modules from the game "Caribbean Disaster", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_CarlLewisChallenge.lzx (34446 bytes) - module from the game "Carl Lewis Challenge", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDAT_CarlLewisChallengeST.lzx (78384 bytes) - module from the game "Carl Lewis Challenge" (Atari ST version), composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_CrystalPalace.lzx (133195 bytes) - all modules from the game "Crystal Palace", composed by Rudolf Stember.
MDAT_Cyber.lzx (45176 bytes) - module composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_CyberZerk.lzx (63899 bytes) - module from the game "Cyber Zerk", composed by Joerg Schwiezer.
TFMX_DasSchmutzigeErbe.lzx (62146 bytes) - module from the game "Das Schmutzige Erbe", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_DasSchwarzeAuge.lzx (292567 bytes) - all modules from the game "Das Schwarze Auge - Die Schicksalsklinge", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_DasTelekommando2.lzx (193718 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "Das Telekommando 2", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_DeathTrap.lzx (19033 bytes) - module from the game "Death Trap", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDAT_Denny.lzx (211232 bytes) - all modules for the game "Denny", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_DinoPark.lzx (3392 bytes) - module for the game "Dino Park", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_DungeonsOfAvalon.lzx (113461 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dungeons Of Avalon", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_DungeonsOfAvalon2.lzx (123049 bytes) - all modules from the game "Dungeons Of Avalon 2", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_EggBros.lzx (48489 bytes) - module for the game "Egg Bros", composed by Rudolf Stember.
MDAT_EismannPC.lzx (77092 bytes) - module from the game "Eismann" (PC game), composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_Elefanten.lzx (41747 bytes) - module from the game "Elefanten", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Factor5demo.lzx (141661 bytes) - all modules from "Factor 5" demo, composed by Rudolf Stember & Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_Flies.lzx (249424 bytes) - all modules from the game "Flies", composed by Rudolf Stember & Joerg Schwiezer.
TFMX_FreakOut.lzx (88965 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "Freak Out", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_GemX.lzx (232011 bytes) - all modules from the game "Gem'X", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_GemZ.lzx (385246 bytes) - all modules for the game "Gem'Z", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_GemZBV.lzx (329855 bytes) - all modules from the game "Gem'Z" (beta version), composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_Hanse.lzx (188539 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "Hanse", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Hexuma.lzx (308871 bytes) - all modules from the game "Hexuma", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_JimPower.lzx (240705 bytes) - all modules from the game "Jim Power", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_JimPowerdemo.lzx (37921 bytes) - all modules from the demo of "Jim Power" game, composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDAT_JimPowerUV.lzx (125852 bytes) - all modules from the game "Jim Power" (unknown version), composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDAT_JimPowerST.lzx (116508 bytes) - module from the game "Jim Power" (Atari ST version), composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_Kangarudy.lzx (130935 bytes) - all modules for the game "Kangarudy", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_KaramalzCup.lzx (181791 bytes) - all modules from the game "Karamalz Cup - Eis Hockey", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_KraftKetchup.lzx (35308 bytes) - module for the game "Kraft Ketchup", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Logical.lzx (178207 bytes) - all modules from the game "Logical", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Logistic.lzx (93861 bytes) - all modules from the game "Logistic", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_MadTV.lzx (229675 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "Mad TV", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_MasterBlazer.lzx (274938 bytes) - all modules from the game "Master Blazer", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDAT_MasterBlazerST.lzx (227498 bytes) - all modules from the game "Master Blazer" (Atari ST version), composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_MetalLaw.lzx (70804 bytes) - all modules from the game "Metal Law", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_MetalLawdemo.lzx (34027 bytes) - all modules from the demo of "Metal Law" game, composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_MrNutz.lzx (518643 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "Mr.Nutz", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_MUDS.lzx (268603 bytes) - all modules from the game "MUDS", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_NorseGods.lzx (64867 bytes) - module from the game "Norse Gods", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Oath.lzx (300789 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "The Oath", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Patrician.lzx (262405 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "Patrician", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Quick&Silva.lzx (185694 bytes) - all modules from the game "Quick & Silva", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDAT_Quick&SilvaST.lzx (138158 bytes) - module from the game "Quick & Silva" (Atari ST version), composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDAT_R-TypeRV.lzx (87222 bytes) - module for the game "R-Type" (remastered version), composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_Ramses.lzx (79813 bytes) - all modules from the game "Ramses", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_RealmsOfArkania.lzx (292752 bytes) - all modules from the game "Realms Of Arkania - Blade Of Destiny", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_SecretOfMonkeyIsland.lzx (160276 bytes) - module from the game "Secret Of Monkey Island", composed by Rudolf Stember & Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_SoftwareManager.lzx (140483 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "Software Manager", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Subtrade.lzx (137695 bytes) - all modules from the game "Subtrade", composed by Joerg Schwiezer.
TFMX_Tony&Friends.lzx (162934 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "Tony & His Friends in Kellogs Land", composed by Rudolf Stember.
MDAT_Tony&FriendsPC.lzx (84011 bytes) - all modules from the game "Tony & His Friends in Kellogs Land" (PC version), composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_TrickyQuikyGames.lzx (191155 bytes) - all modules for the game "Tricky Quiky Games" aka "Nestle Nesquik Game", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Transplant.lzx (92929 bytes) - all modules from the game "Transplant".
TFMX_Turrican2.lzx (149749 bytes) - all modules from the game "Turrican II", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_Turrican2demo.lzx (43778 bytes) - all modules from the demo of "Turrican II" game, composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDAT_Turrican2ST.lzx (72282 bytes) - module from the game "Turrican II" (Atari ST version), composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_Turrican3.lzx (136745 bytes) - all modules from/for the game "Turrican 3", composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
TFMX_Ugh!.lzx (31094 bytes) - module from the game "Ugh!", composed by Rudolf Stember.
TFMX_Z-Out.lzx (258716 bytes) - all modules from the game "Z-Out", composed by Rudolf Stmber & Chris Huelsbeck.
MDAT_Z-OutST.lzx (106118 bytes) - module from the game "Z-Out" (Atari ST version), composed by Chris Huelsbeck.
MDST_CarlLewisChallenge.lzx (13990 bytes) - module from the game "Carl Lewis Challenge".
MDST_DynaBlaster.lzx (2925 bytes) - module from the game "Dyna Blaster".
MDST_GemX.lzx (2316 bytes) - module from the game "Gem'X".
MDST_JimPower.lzx (9843 bytes) - all modules from the game "Jim Power".
MDST_Patrician.lzx (5435 bytes) - all modules from the game "Patrician".
MDST_Quick&Silva.lzx (2786 bytes) - module from the game "Quick & Silva".
The Musical Enlightenment
TME_Hawkeye.lzx (64972 bytes) - module called "Hawkeye".
TME_Labyrinth.lzx (48696 bytes) - module from the game "Labyrinth".
TME_MontisCzardas.lzx (4858 bytes) - module called "Monti's Czardas".
Thomas Hermann
THM_Beam.lzx (79852 bytes) - module from the game "Beam".
THM_BlueAngel69.lzx (39686 bytes) - module from the game "Blue Angel 69".
THM_Nightdawn.lzx (46728 bytes) - module from the game "Nightdawn".
TMK.NoOutlawAnymore.lzx (104042 bytes) - module from the demo "No Outlaw Anymore" by Eremation.
TMK.OutlawIssue2.lzx (207172 bytes) - all modules from the disk mag "Outlaw Issue 2" by Eremation.
TMK.Tourists.lzx (9204 bytes) - module from the demo "Tourists" by Eremation.
TMK.WeAreStillAlive.lzx (104272 bytes) - module from the demo "We're Still Alive" by Eremation.
Titanics Packer
TITS_A500.lzx (68122 bytes) - module from the demo "A500" by Titanics.
TITS_DeluxeView.lzx (101028 bytes) - module from the demo "Deluxe View" by Titanics.
TITS_SesameStreet.lzx (88374 bytes) - all modules from the demo "Sesame Street" by Titanics.
TITS_TitanTrax.lzx (642017 bytes) - all modules from the music disk "Titan Trax" by Titanics.
Tomy Tracker
SG_Examples.lzx (75201 bytes) - two modules from intros.
MUS_UFO.lzx (137206 bytes) - all modules from the game "UFO" (AGA version).
MUS_UFOCD32.lzx (165762 bytes) - all modules from the game "UFO" (CD32 version).
Wally Beben
WB_BallGame.lzx (106915 bytes) - module from the game "The Ball Game".
WB_BattleBound.lzx (35549 bytes) - module from the game "BattleBound".
WB_CircusGames.lzx (33250 bytes) - module from the game "Circus Games".
WB_ColossusChessX.lzx (78231 bytes) - all modules from the game "Colossus Chess X".
WB_DarkSide.lzx (51145 bytes) - module from the game "Dark Side".
WB_Elite.lzx (54394 bytes) - module from the game "Elite".
WB_FoundationsWaste.lzx (60240 bytes) - module from the game "Foundation's Waste".
WB_FutureSport.lzx (35674 bytes) - module from the games "Future Sport" & "Hell Raisers" aka "Liberators".
WB_HammerFist.lzx (67029 bytes) - module from the game "Hammer Fist".
WB_Hawkeye.lzx (43422 bytes) - module from the game "Hawkeye".
WB_HyperDrome.lzx (39667 bytes) - module from the game "Hyper Drome".
WB_Lancaster.lzx (89637 bytes) - module from the game "Lancaster".
WB_Mr.Do!RunRun.lzx (15232 bytes) - module from the game "Mr.Do! Run Run".
WB_Phantasm.lzx (53069 bytes) - module from the game "Phantasm".
WB_PoolOfRadiance.lzx (59343 bytes) - module from the game "Pool Of Radiance".
WB_Quartz.lzx (38895 bytes) - module from the game "Quartz".
WB_SDI.lzx (57257 bytes) - module from the game "SDI".
WB_SummerOlympiad.lzx (49825 bytes) - module from the game "Summer Olympiad".
WB_Superman.lzx (32761 bytes) - module from the game "Superman".
WB_TimeMachine.lzx (72113 bytes) - all modules from the game "Time Machine".
WB_TotalEclipse.lzx (54025 bytes) - module from the game "Total Eclipse".
WB_UltimateRide.lzx (50260 bytes) - module from the game "Ultimate Ride" aka "Superbike Simulator".
WB_Wicked.lzx (45298 bytes) - module from the game "Wicked".
ZM_TheMusicalFruitBasket.lzx (286591 bytes) - all modules from the demo "The Musical FruitBasket" by Activas.
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